Synthetic Love

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Chapter 13
Josh's POV

How could I forget that we didn't use protection when we had sex?

Now, I may or may not have a baby soon. When I saw her huge belly, I couldn't speak. I never imagined Marina...pregnant. I never imagined Marina pregnant by one of her brother's friends. Ange hasn't really forgiven us but he's getting there.

Most likely Chris is the father because they had sex every day of the week that they were together. Chris told me and that's how I know. I hate the fact that I can't control how I feel about Marina but it's like every time I think about her or her name gets brought up, I cant help I smile because I think of that hot, amazing day that I made her mine...well, mine in a way. I still blush when I think about it. I think that that was the best sex I've ever had. And to have had it with a girl I've liked since I met her, it makes it all the more special.

Chris's POV

As this tour comes to an end, I think back to a few weeks ago when we visited Marina at Jared's house and we found out that one of us left her with a child growing inside of her. I was left like 'What the fuck'.

If that boy is mine, I'll do whatever it takes to make Marina happy. I know that if he is our son, I'll win my girlfriend back. A child always keeps a couple together. It's makes them stronger and more united...or some shit like that. To think that it may also be two other guys' son, makes me angry. When I made love to Marina, all those times I claimed to have made her mine but now...Josh and Jared are in the picture. Any one of us could have fathered that baby and I hope that it's mine. Marina and I have had relations many more times than her and the other guys so...that's the reason I believe it's mine. 

As we head back to our homes, I wait everyday, patiently, just waiting for that day Marina returns. That is when I'll find out if I fathered her son.

Marina's POV

I know I was supposed to come back after Joel was born but Jared wanted to get here faster. As soon as he came from tour, we were on our way to Pennsylvania.

Today, has not been a good day. I've been having contractions and the pain is excruciating.

Hours and hours and hours later

We arrived here in Scranton and not even an hour of being here, my water broke. Jared rushed me to the nearest hospital and I just wished for this to pass by fast. I want this pain to go away.


I gripped Jared's hand as tight as I could, pushing as hard as I could. My body was sweating and aching horribly. This has been, by far, the painfullest experience I've had.

"Breath in and out, dear. Push." Jared said, encouraging me to push out his possible son.

I screamed and with one final push, I heard the cry.

Jared smiled and almost cried.

"It's a boy." The doctor smiled, cradling baby Joel in his arms. Jared took Joel from the doctors arms and brought him over to my side, wrapping a blanket around him.

I gasped and saw how beautiful he was.

My son was precious. He had pink skin and brownish hair.

"Oh my god...look Jared. He's so tiny." I cried, as Jared let me hold him.

Just as I had baby Joel in my arms and his crying calmed.

"Baby, who do you think it looks like?" Jared asked softly, looking concerned.

I looked up at him then back at my son.

Tears fell from my eyes again.

"I don't know...but Jared I want it to be yours." I cried quietly.

The doctor came close and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Miss Parente, if you are unsure of who may be the father to this child, we can gladly help you with a DNA test right here." I nodded quickly. My head then turned to Jared. Our eyes connected and I saw the hurt in his eyes. Jared wanted Joel to be his. But so did Chris and...I dont know about Josh. Though, Chris only wants him so he'd have a goddamn excuse to be close to me.

"I called Chris and Josh not to long ago. They should be here any second now." Jared assured me. I sighed and stroked my baby's cheek.

"Ok, so how many men are we going to be testing, ma'am?" The doctor asked, writing something down on a clipboard.

I sighed and let the nurse who was there, take my baby away.

"Um...three..." I whispered feeling ashamed. He nodded and wrote something down.

"Don't feel ashamed, sweetheart. It's okay. We all do mistakes." He smiled, sweetly.

"Marina?! My love!" Chris exclaimed, bursting through the door, once his eyes landed on me.

A small cry came from the direction the nurse was. It caused the guys to shoot their heads that way.

"Is that...him...?" Josh asked, approaching the nurse and Joel. Chris walked behind and both stared at my baby in disbelief.

I saw Chris hold him for a second, kissing his little forehead and cooing in his ear. Then Josh took his turn. He smiled and chuckled.

" think this could be mine...." He muttered. Chris glared at him then turned to me.

The nurse held the baby once again then took him some place else.

"Are you two the other possible father's of Joel Parente?" The doctor asked.

They both nodded quickly before approaching me. Jared backed away and stood, against the white wall.

Chris was on one side of me while Josh stood on the other.

"I love you, baby. I know that he is our son. I just know it." Chris said before placing a kiss on the corner of my lips. The doctor called Chris over to him and they spoke with Jared quietly.

Josh glared at Chris and then looked down at me with a small smile.

"Marina, I...I love you." He sighed softly.

I widened my eyes and gasped quietly.

Josh nodded and placed a hand on my cheek.

"Josh..." I breathed, not believing his words.

He leaned closer and looked deep into my eyes.

"I mean it, Marina. I'm in love with you." He whispered before he pressed his soft lips against mine. I don't know why I kissed back.

Suddenly he was pulled off of me.

"What the fuck?! You just don't know when to take your hands off of another man's lady!" Chris growled, holding Josh by his shirt.

The doctor tried to calm Chris and Josh down before a fight erupted. Jared looked really pissed off as he stared down Josh.

"Cerulli, she is not yours in any way." He glared up at Chris. Chris clenched his fists and stepped closer to Jared. Jared didn't move or seem to care that Chris wanted a fight with him as well.

"Chris, stop trying to cause a problem. I am nobody's property, so you guys need to stop seeing me as some type of object. Now, calm your balls and shut the fuck up, all of you!" I growled with my voice a bit hoarse.    

Everybody hushed down.

"I'll need you guys to follow me to the lab so we can get DNA samples from you." They nod and follow the doctor.

Before the doctor walked out he turned to me and smiled.

"Get some rest, sweetheart. You look exhausted." I sighed and closed my eyes.

After drifting off into sleep, I was unconscious. 

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