And When Yourself Is All You Have Left, With What Will You Fill Your Emptiness

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Chapter 9
Chris's POV

How can she be gone already? She just found out about the bet and...she's gone. I lost her. It's all my fault....

I wait outside Angelo and Marina's house. The only thing I do while I wait for Angelo to return is sit on the cold stairs and stare out at the street.

Cars keep driving by but for about two hours, I don't see Angelo's car. It was until I felt the rain start to fall that he pulled up into his driveway.

I quickly ran up to his car side.

"Ange, where did she go?" I asked, trembling from the cold weather.

He closed his car door and walked past me "First, get inside the house because you look freezing..." I followed and sat on the warm couch.

Angelo took the seat next to me and stared into my eyes.

"Now, explain why the sudden interest in my sister. Why does it look like it affects you so much that she's gone?" He asked, suspiciously.

I stiffened at his question and the glare he gave me told me that he knows something is up.

"Ange...I...I..." I stuttered and felt my hands get clammy. My head was spinning and I didn't know whether or not tell him how I feel about his sister. The one person he'd kill for just to protect her.

Lying to my best friend hurts but I can't, I just can't tell him how much I love his sister. He'll kill me. When I first met Marina in school, I remember what Angelo first told me. I remember that day perfectly.


From a distance, I saw Ange leaned against his locker, talking to someone I couldn't really see from where I was standing. Angelo moved out of the way and I saw her. The girl he was talking to. Who is she? She's...she's stunning.

Her long black hair, pink skin. Just to get a better view, I walk over to my friend, Angelo, who I met not too long ago, and join into the conversation.

"It's not that, Ange, I just...oop..." The girl was saying before her icy blue eyes noticed me.

Damn, she's even cuter up close.

"Hey, Ange." I greet, still staring down at the girl who caught my attention.

Angelo turns to look at me and smiles.

"Oh, Hey, Chris. This is my sister, Marina. Marina, this is Chris. We just met a few days ago." He said turning to...his sister.

Marina looked really shy and I found that adorable.

"Hello, Marina. Nice meeting you, beautiful." I smirked, reaching for her hand and bringing it up to my lips to kiss.

She blushed, looking down at her feet.

"Hi." Was all she said in the most softest voice I've heard.

"Um, well...I'm gonna head to the...uh...Yeah..." She spoke before walking off and out through the doors of the school. I'm guessing she was heading to the quad or whatever.

I can feel Angelo glaring at me as I stare after his sister.

"Dude, stop staring at my sister. It's fucking weird."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Im sorry, man. But you shouldn't blame me for thinking that she's very gorgeous." I smirked, biting my lip afterwards.

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