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helloooo :)

here's chapter 2! Enjoy!


 "Because I have Gamophobia" 

Liam gulped nervously while he waited for Louis to say something back. It felt weird addressing his phobia like this, he never expected to say it like this and worst of all, he didn't want his stupid phobia to be the reason for Louis' broken heart. 

"What's that?" Louis asked, frowning. 

"A phobia of getting married" Liam explained, slowly. His hand grabbed Louis' tighter because he was suddenly scared that Louis was going to get up and leave forever. What if Louis didn't want to be with him anymore?

Louis send Liam a quick look making the other boy relax in his seat. 

"Oh...that's why you said no" Louis slowly concluded. It made sense now, everything made sense now. His heart was slowly calming down knowing that this wasn't his fault. But it wasn't Liam's fault either. He had a fear of getting married. 

"Yes, I love you and all but I can't go through that step with you Louis" Liam replied, tears streaming down his face again. It wasn't because he was hurting, it was because he was hurting Louis. 

"I understand" Louis whispered, he was trying hard not to break down and handle this bravely because one them had to do something, right? They couldn't just leave this, Louis couldn't just leave Liam because of a stupid phobia, that was never going to happen. 

He was going to force this phobia out of Liam. 

No matter what. 

"What are you thinking about?" Liam asked, as he leaned over the counter and more towards Louis. 

"How did you get it?" Louis asked, as he finally faced Liam. His blue eyes meeting Liam's blurry brown ones. 

"Get what?" 

"The phobia, I mean it's not a type of phobia you would have since birth, you grew on it, how?" Louis asked, he decided to stand up as sitting down really wasn't helping. He needed to pace and think. 

Liam instantly shuffled in his seat, which Louis didn't notice but he did turn around to look at Liam worriedly when the boy didn't answer him straight away. He wished he could tell Liam to stop worrying because he was okay but then he wasn't either. He couldn't lie to Liam and just pretend that his heart wasn't breaking into million pieces each second. 

"Li, babe. This does change a lot of things between us. I know that but I can't have you shutting away from me" Louis mumbled and he's now standing over Liam, his hands cupping the other boy's cheeks firmly.

"I am sorry" Liam nodded as if to tell Louis he understood. 

"Good" Louis leaned forward and pecked Liam's forehead, "And you don't have to tell me this but I want to know, I want to know this part of you Liam"

"But you wouldn't leave me right?" Liam asked. He had to look up at Louis as he was still sitting down while Louis was standing over him. 

"Do you want me to leave you?" Liam shook his head quickly, "Then I wouldn't"

"I have seen a lot of married couples fall apart in front of my eyes and trust me, it's not nice. When you believe or when you make yourself force to believe that they are love and then you find out that they never were, it hurts. It hurts to know that someone hates their life partner. I have seen my parents fall apart right in front of me, Louis. And I couldn't do anything! I couldn't stop the storm from coming because there was no point! They hated each other and there was nothing I could do to change that!" Liam explained, he tried to look into Louis' eyes but he couldn't. All he could do was hold onto Louis and sob dry tears. 

"But Li, that was one wedding! Not all-"

"When Nicola got married, she came home crying after a month. Her husband had cheated on her" Liam snapped, interrupting Louis. Louis couldn't convince him no matter how much he tried. Liam had his opinion firm in his head. 

Louis' suddenly pulled away from Liam, anger slowly growing in his eyes. 

"So you think I am going to cheat on you?" Louis asked. He tried not to sound so harsh but he couldn't stop himself. 

"I never said tha-"

"But that's what you think, isn't it? You don't trust me enough to know that I will keep us together, that I wouldn't ever let us break apart. But you just don't trust me" Louis snapped, backing away from Liam when the other boy tried to grab his arm. 

"Louis, this isn't about trust because you know I trust you more than I trust myself" Liam pleaded and his tears weren't so dry anymore. 

 "What is it about, then?" Louis' fisted collided roughly against the kitchen counter. Liam flinched and looked up at Louis with fearful eyes. 

"T-This. This exactly what it is about. Anger" Liam mumbled, his voice shaky.

Louis stared at Liam but it was too late to apologise, wasn't it?

So he did the only that any other person would have done. They both needed to think and the only way they would be able to do that was by staying away from each other. He stormed out of their flat, letting his body lean against the front door after he slammed the door shut. He cried because that was the only thing that made sense to him right now. 


So that was the second chapter...loads of drama, ahaha. I think you guys can expect loads of drama from this story... I am sorry if you are not a big fan of drama :/

Anyway, hope it was good. I am now going to do some shameless promotion and ask you guys to check out my two new Ziam stories and my other Lilo story- A Thin Line, A Fade You (Ziam) and Like Yesterday (Lilo)

Check those out! It would mean a lot :)


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