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Day 6

Liam walked in to his office, shrugging off his coat quickly. As he walked towards his desk, his eyes immediately fell on the neatly folded piece of paper that was placed on his chair - he thought about just binning it but then curiousity got the best of him. 

It feels like the first time I asked you out on a date - A tad bit more nervous... So....Just, meet me at the local park at 7? Love you x

Okay - Liam knew he should have guess it from before. I mean, he always did tease Louis about how neatly he folded his papers (even thought Louis and neat never ever combined together). It was just one of those things Liam noticed about Louis (and really, really loved). 

Liam is about to push the note into his pocket when his office door opens and Niall stepped in  - wearing his usual charming smile that Liam couldn't help but just return. 

You needded a hell lot of self control to not smile around Niall. Like most people said - he was big ball of happiness. 

"Morning Leemo" 

"Morning Ni, did you want something?" Liam asked. He tried not to be so obvious as he slipped the note into his back pocket but Niall obviously noticed, lips tugging into a bigger grin - Liam wondered how his cheeks didn't happen to hurt from smiling and laughing all day long. 

"So you got it?"


"The Note, Li" Niall laughed as he gestured towards his pocket. 

"You knew?" Liam asked, eyebrows creasing together as he pulled his laptop out of his bag - just to avoid meeting Niall's eyes. He was sure Harry informed Niall on everything that had been going on. 

"Couse, bumped into Tommo this morning. Looked pretty happy with himself" Niall chuckled as he handed Liam a pile of papers. 

Liam stayed silent just cause he had not idea what to say especially with the way Niall was looking at him. 

Niall must have got the message because he turned to make his was towards the door and just as Liam let out a relieved sigh - Niall turned around, a genuine smile on his face. 

"Hey Leemo?"

"Yes Nialler?"

"Do go, please don't leave Louis hanging on" With that Niall walked out, closing the door gently behind him leaving Liam frowning at the closed door. He got Niall. And Niall got him. 

Liam had already decided not to go. 

He was trying to get away from Louis - let Louis move on from him because he knew that was the right thing for both of them. That was the thing that was going to be better for them in the up coming years. Louis couldn't just stay always chase after him - that's not he wanted things to be. 

He wanted Louis happy.

And that wasn't with him. 


In the end, however, he did end up going. 

"You came?" Louis asked, hand reaching for Liam. With hesitation, Liam took Louis' hand - fingers together and he felt warmth instantly crawl up his arm. Louis' warmth. 

"Course, I mean I wasn't so sure but then some thinking did it for me" Liam replied, nodding slightly as he brushed his gloved hand against Louis'. It wasn't awkward. Nothing like he expected. 

It was nice to spend some time with Louis. 

"I was positive you weren't going to come" 

"Why?" Liam asked. 

"I don't know" Louis looked at him, eyes twinkling - Liam missed them. He gave Louis a small smile as their eyes locked for a split second before they looked away, hands just tightening around each other. 

They walk around the park as the night sky took over - not much talking was done. But Liam prefered it that way because even though there was silence, he felt like millions of words were exchanged between them. Silent words of wanting each other and  whispered I love yous. 

"Break?" Louis asked as they stopped by the small lake at the far end of the park. Liam nodded and they walked over to the lake - they pulled up their jeans up to their knees and slipped their legs into the water, sitting next to each other close and warm. 

Liam shoved himself closer to Louis - who has slipped an arm around Liam's shoulder slightly tugging the boy under him. 


"Just the water, it's fucking freezing"

"Hey!" Louis scowled, flicking Liam's nose gently. Liam frowned up at him - tip of his nose all red from both the cold and Louis' flick. 


"Don't swear" 

"You swear all the time" Liam protested, huffing slightly as he leaned into Louis' shoulder. 

"I am older and I do not have puppy eyes" Louis reminded him. 

"Hate you"

"Love you too"  

Louis grinned, pleased with himself. When he had planned this- he had wished for something similar to this. Some relaxed time with Liam- where they don't have to actually worry about anything. He missed seeing Liam like this; laughing and smiling. 

And so he leaned over and peacked Liam's quickly - almost sneakily. 


Okay....yeah...hope that was okay.


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