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I know I said something about updating this story twice a week but I got busy...I swear I will get back on track, especially since there are more of you reading this story now. I just need time to settle down (and stop being lazy :/)

Anyways, here's  chapter 6 :)


Day 3

Somehow (Liam has no idea how), he ends up at Louis' house (technically Harry's house but he knows that Harry has been staying at Niall's lately, to give Louis some space) the next day; spends ten minutes outside the door debating on whether he should knock or not. 

He didn't exactly have a reason as to why, he just wanted to see Louis. 

Suddenly the front door opens and Louis standing there, grinning sheepishly. Liam takes a step back, cheeks heating up in embarrassment as he avoids Louis' eyes, awkwardness clouding the air around them. 

"Were you just going to stand here and not knock?" Louis asked as he moved aside form Liam to get. 

"No, I-I wasn't bu- How did you know that I was outside?" Liam asked as he followed Louis into the kitchen. It was messy and Liam knew that Louis had attempted at cooking breakfast for himself. Harry's going to kill when he comes back and finds his kitchen like that. 

"Harry has this weird senser thing, it beeps everytime someone's standing on his doorstep"  Louis explained as he got two mugs out. I nodded and stepped towards him. 

"Shall I do that? I mean you al-"

"Yeah go ahead, I really that strong coffee you used to make me" Louis said; brushed a hand through his hair as he stand on one of the chairs and gave me a small smile. "I actually wanted to talk to you about the other day"

"Me too" Liam stated, "You go first"

"Right" Louis nodded, his tapped his fingers against the counter, Liam knew that was a habit of Louis'; he was nervous. "I was drunk and you know  how I get when I drink. I probably ended up saying things I shouldn't have and fuck, I am sorry if I said something to up-"

"You didn't" Liam's red cheeks said otherwise but Louis let out a small sigh in relief and moved back in his seat, sitting more comfortably. 

"Good. I just thouht I would have. Anyways, what did you want to say?" Louis asked. 

"It's something I want to say. I want to thank you actually" Liam sighed and passed Louis his mug of coffee, streaming hot just the way he always liked it. Liam joined Louis on the counter, sitting right opposite him. 

"What for?" Louis asked, frowning. His confusion only growing when Liam flushes and covers his cheeks slightly. 

"For not breaking my trust" Liam replied.

"Liam? Explain, babe" Louis said as he grabbed Liam's hands which were tapping rapidly on to the hard surface of the counter. 

"In the club, the other day when this girl came up and yo-"

"Oh" Louis said, interrupting Liam. He understands now, he gets why Liam's still blushing red and why Liam's thanking him, "But you don't need to thank me for it"

Louis believes they are still in a relationship and even if they weren't, Louis wouldn't dare to just hook up with someone knowing that his heart will always be trapped in Liam's hands, knowing that Liam trusts him not to mess things up. 

It was Louis' way of showing Liam that he could trust him no matter what. 

"Yeah I know but just thanks?" Liam said as he looked at Louis with those sparkling eyes of his. Louis wanted to freeze that moment, capture it and keep it with him forever cause the confidence in Liam's eyes, held just for him was just amazing -overwhelming.

"I would never do that to you" Louis just stated, with a small smile, hand squeezing Liam's. 

"I love you" Liam blurted, fingers curling around Louis' other hand; palm brushing softly against Louis' and hands fitting perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle. 

"I know" Louis smiled as he leaned over the counter to peck Liam's lips. He didn't know if he was allowed to do that anymore but he took a chance, anyway. He obviously still had the right because Liam pulled him closer, hand on the back of Louis' neck as he lick Louis' bottom lip and kissed him harder. 

Louis grinned into the kissed and tried to move closer, pressing himself against the counter as much as he could. Liam laughed and pulled away before Louis could hurt himself over the counter. 

"Missed that" Louis groaned. 

"Your coffee's getting cold" Liam gestured towards Louis' mug which no longer was steaming. Louis rolled his eyes and grabbed his mug, popping it in the microwave before he turned to Liam. 

"Now can I kiss you before you go and decide to ignore me again?" Louis asked, crowding Liam against the counter. 

"I wasn't ignoring you but yeah, you can" Liam nodded. 

Louis ignored the rest of Liam's sentence and went straight down for his lips, slotting his lips against Liam's perfectly. The kiss was urged and desperate and Liam knew it was only because Louis was determined to prove something with that kiss. He just didn't understand what. 


There ya go. Hope that was okay. It's a short chapter, I know but leave me alone. It's 2 am here...


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