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how are you guys? You probably noticed that I update this story every saturday so I am just going  to make this officialy. This story will get update every saturday. 

So here's chapter four. Enjoy, it may be a bit confusing. So you know how Louis asked Liam to give him 15 days? From now on each chapter is going to be like a day...that's probably really confusing...


Day 1.

"For fuck's sake Liam, stop making that sad face and loosen up" Niall said as he pushed a glass of vodka towards Liam who looked away from the dance floor and shot Niall a tired look.  

"No thanks I am fine" Liam replied, pushing the drink away from him. 

Thankfully before Niall could say anything else, Zayn came back from the bar holding a glass of water for Liam and a glass of beer for himself. He set the glasses down on the table before he turned to Niall, giving him an annoyed look. 

"Ni, why don't you go dance with Harry?" Zayn asked. Niall gave him a grin and nodded before he hurried off to the dance floor. 

"Thanks" Liam said as he turned to face Zayn who shot him a small smile. 

"It's fine. I could tell he was annoying you. Niall has no control over himself after a glass of vodka" Zayn laughed, wrapping an arm around Liam and rubbing his arm in a comforting way. Liam sighed and leaned into Zayn, closing his eyes shut. 

The boys decided that it would be good to chill out for a bit, go to a club and just loosen up a bit. But Liam can't. He can't not knowing where he and Louis were standing any more. Were they still together or what?

"Where is he?" Liam asked, his voice small and quiet as he looked at Zayn. 

"At the bar, he is definitely going to get drunk tonight" Zayn said, laughing slightly as he pointed to Louis' figure which was near the bar. Liam followed Zayn's eyes and landed on Louis' who was leaning against the bar, a drink in his hand. 

"Shit, you know how he gets when he drinks a lot" Liam mumbled, his teeth biting at his lip as he stared at Louis, worry filled in his eyes. 

"I know." Zayn replied, trying to the hide the smile on his face. Liam could never live without Louis, that bit was so obvious. Liam cared too much.

"I want to go check on him, should I?" Liam asked. 

"You should" Zayn replied. 


"Yeah, you definitely should"

"Okay I will" Liam immediately gets up and walks over to the bar. He walks over to Louis, who immediately turns around when his notices this new presence. Liam feels better when he sees that perfect smile grow on Louis' face and offers one back. 

"Hello Li" Louis slurred and Liam sighs because damn it, Louis' already drunk. He can smell it and he can see the way Louis' eyes are darker. 

"How much have you had?" Liam asked, as he sits down next to Louis who shrugs and just twirls his glass around. "Well, this is the last drink you are having"

"Why? I mean, why are you so worried?" Louis asked as he raised his eyebrow up at Liam, who immediately flushed. And Liam wonders if Louis is actually drunk or whether he is just pretending to be drunk. 

"I just don't what you to trip over or fall over or something" Liam replied, shrugging. Louis smirks and chuckles before he stares at his drunk again. 

"Even when I am drunk I know you are lying" Louis replied, moving closer to Liam. Louis grabs Liam's hand and slots their fingers together. Liam stares at Louis, wondering what the boy was actually trying to do. 

"You shouldn't be here, Liam because the more you come near me the harder I will find it to let go" Louis whispered. "You shouldn't be here"

"But what if I want to be here, with you?" Liam asked quietly but he knew that Louis would be able to hear him over the loud music that was playing in the background. 

"Why do want to be here? Why do you have that worried look on your face? Why, Liam? Why?" Louis asked. And Liam knows the answer, it's right there. So obvious. 

But he doesn't say it, he stays quiet and avoids Louis' eyes. 

"Because you love me. You love me, Liam" Louis whispered, his thumb running over Liam's bottom lip. Liam shivers and pulls away, standing up because he can't do this. 

If he loves Louis then why can't he marry him? That's the thing that bothers Liam so much. He loves Louis so much then why can't he just trust Louis and take their relationship to that stage?

"I need to use the toilet" Liam whispered and he walks away before Louis could stop him. He storms into the toilet and locks himself up in a stall because he needs to think so badly. 


Okay... So yeah. I liked that chapter...What did you guys think?


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