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[ sorry for the late update. x ]

Day 8 

"Make him jealous, that always works with Niall" Harry suggested, giving Louis a hopeful smile that instantly got wiped off his face when Louis gave him a angry glare. "Or maybe not...horrible idea"

"I am not trying to win him over, Harry. I am trying to get him to trus--"

"Doesn't he already trust you?" Harry asked, confusion coating his face.

"Well then I am trying to show him that I am committed to our relationship and no matter what happens, I will always be with him." Louis corrected himself, with a slight annoyed sigh. Maybe, calling Harry over was a bad idea (even though, this was Harry's flat and not his).

Louis stopped pacing (Finally, he was making Harry anxious with all the pacing) for a split second and sat down before getting to his feet within the next minute and returning to his pacing. 

"Fuck it" Louis cursed. He planted him self down next to Harry, head in his hands and hands on his knees. He was muttering furiously under his breath and to Harry they sounded a lot like curse words. He tried to laugh at Louis- because Harry had never seen him so frustrated before and Harry has known Louis since he was five so that was really saying something. 

"You will figure something out" Harry said, pressing a gentle hand on Louis' shoulder. He could sense Louis relaxing a little under his touch but he was still very much just as tensed as before. 

"Well, yeah. I have to. I only have like seven more days before Liam shuts me out completely. I have to get him back in these remaining seven days, no matter what happens." Louis stated, running a hand through his hair. 

"You should talk to Zayn" Harry suggested. 

"Yeah, maybe I should"


It's Liam who opens the door when he gets to Zayn's apartment and Louis instantly kicks himself for not making sure about who was at home before knocking. He should have called Zayn or something. It's not that he doesn't want to see Liam at the moment because that's not the case. It was more the other way. He was sure that Liam didn't want to see him. 

He probably had even of Louis chasing after him. 

Louis runs a hand through his hair and waits- waits for Liam to say something but those brown eyes just want him and Louis coughs slightly, getting himself back together. 


"Hey" Liam at least smiles back so Louis knows that Liam's not anger with him. Maybe, upset but not angry. 

"I was looking for Zayn but guess, he's not here. I will come back la--"

"No wait!" Liam breathed out, before Louis could take a step back. Liam was no longer hiding himself behind the door, he was standing in front of Louis with his hands almost reached out as if aiming to get a hold of Louis. 

"What is it?" Louis asked. It took everything within to not get hopeful. Liam probably just wanted to tell him to say away. 

"Can we...erm, can we talk?" Liam asked quietly. He voice was soft and Louis' head raced ahead for a minute wondering what it would feel like to have Liam whispers those words against his skin again? What it would feel like to hear those delicious sound coming out of Liam's mouth again? 

Louis wanted that again; wanted to spend lazy mornings with Liam, wanted Liam to kiss every inch of his body and whisper those three words against the shell of his ear like he had many times before. 

"Louis?" Liam clicked his fingers in front of Louis' eyes, snapping the boy out of his thoughts. A worried frown took over Liam's expression as he got Louis' attention again. 

"Yeah, we can talk" 

Liam smiled quickly as he moved out of the doorway to let Louis in. Louis kicked the door shut behind him before he shrugged his coat off and turned to Liam. 

"I am sorry..." Liam started off, biting the inside of his lip harshly as he avoiding looking at Louis and kept his eyes firmly on his shoes. Louis wanted to reach out and get Liam to look at him because he fucking loved Liam's eyes on him but he didn't dare go near Liam. 

He didn't trust his self control when it came to Liam. 

"For what?" Louis asked. 

"Yesterday. I mean I know you were only trying to make things between us better and I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I should've listened to you, let you explain and I should have stayed the morning, not just run away" Liam said, he took a step closer to Louis which just caused Louis to take a step back. 

He wasn't going to hurt Liam again but doing something he shouldn't. He was sure that Liam wouldn't want him snogging the shit out of him at the minute.  

"You stepped back..." Liam whispered, biting his lip. 

"Was stopping myself from kissing you" Louis answered. 

They ended up watching a movie and then they ended up ordering a take out and having dinner together. They kept their distant, hardly touching one another but it was fine- it was perfect if Louis had to describe it. 

Louis never got to talk to Zayn since he was out the whole time- probably at Niall's but he didn't mind. 

[ the ending was a bit lame...but hope the rest was okay. x ]






I love you guys. x

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