Chapter 5. Miami Bliss

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He ends up dropping me off and just takes off I know he's pissed off but he's mostly hurt by this girl. I don't know his business with her but the way naruto would blab about how bad she was tells me she was one of those type of women. I hope he can put his guard down a bit for me to work my way in there cause I feel like I'm melting for him ... literally! ..... * alarm clock * I slap my phone and it just falls off my night table singing to me now ugh! I rub my eyes looking around " ugh what time is it? ..." i sit up stretching I get up grabbing my phone and turn the screen on " its 10:50 am huh? Let me go get ready * yawn *" i walk pasted my closet and think of what to wear hmmm? Should I do pastels wait! It's chilly out? I go grab my cell and check the weather 56 degrees " I'll do my high waisted skinnys and a soft pink top? Huh who can that be?" * door bell * I run to go grab my door * opens door * " naruto? .... what are you doing here?" " I'm with sasuke he's just parking so I came up? Can I come in?" " Oh yeah sure 😅" He comes in farting and whistling I close my door and hand him the TV remote " you can use my Xbox? I'm gonna go shower real fast okay?" Before I can go he grabs my wrist " Hinata I'm sorry about how I was with you yesterday .... " i just knod and walk off but my door opens and it's sasuke I blush turning red "  Baka here your bag of junk food!" " thanks man 😄" i giggle and walk off to go shower .....  * spray bottle * I come out of my room ready I fidget wit my initial necklace and see those chatting low " .... you ready?" " .. yes sasuke - Kun " we head to my door and I lock up and we go to the elevator * button * " looks like the wifey has awful food cravings ewww she wants Wasabi tofu custard?" " why are you saying ewww man you eat worse shit than she does Baka!" " rude 😒" I giggle * ring * * beep * " yeah? Uncle .... yes were on our way? I see okay .... see you soon. * beep * seems my competition is gonna be there too 😡" " you mean Tristan?" " yes that bastard! And he's a huge flirt ugh! " We get off the elevator and head to his car ...... * singing * * smack * " shut up Baka! This is a quiet zone can't you read the sign!" " rude! Hey whered hinata go?" " my private room so i can get ready you forget I'm taking pictures for my new album and I got an interview with k-pop magazine Baka?" " right!" I shake my head " you know I love you even though your a bitch ass right?" * picking nose * " aha?" * smack* " stop that gross shit fuck are you 5!" " ouw!"  I grab him and we enter the recording studio and there he is my competition my jaw ticks " sasuke .... madara is coming ... I hope we can work tae gether lad?" " your just a Scott with a voice nothing more! Uncle?" " sasuke Oh! Naruto it's been a while how are you and the wife?" " hey madara sir were good were expecting 😆" " I'm happy for you both ..... to have a child is a blessing ...... ah well let's get you two situated shall we?" My uncle puts his arm around me and does the same to Tristan " now listen whatever differences you two have put them aside. I know you two can do this? ... sasuke make me proud!" Me and Tristan go into the recording room I smirk putting on my headphones he does too and the band starts playing in back ..... * mic * " that was good let's take a short break?" * mic * he leaves the room my mind wanders thinking about Hinata she looks so sexy in her outfit 😶 I brush the feeling off and head to the bathroom .... " crap! Damn bag I didn't think the hole was this big? Ah! Oh I'm so sorry sir?" This red headed male bends helping me with my broken purse " hi ... mae names Tristan lass?" I smile " I'm Hinata ☺ wait aren't you the guy who's popular back in Korea for singing with what's his name? You know what I mean 😅" He giggles " yes I am him love want an autograph or better yet my number love?" I blush " ugh I'm flattered but I'm taken?" He smirks " by whom lass?" " Hinata?.... you!" " sasuke easy my bag broke and he was just helping me out 😥" i notice sasuke looks threatened and pissed he bends down helping me up and he grabs me I turn so red I feel faint " I did no know she was your lady lad my apologies?" " if you look at her again or talk to her I'll kick your ass!" Tristan smirks and walks off I'm so red I'm speechless I look up at Sasuke he looks me too "" I notice him leaning in I don't pull away were about to kiss but then * fart * sasuke turns around he let's me go smacking naruto. I walk off red to the bathroom  ...... 1 week later ...... I head back home from a long day out with ten and sakura it was fun but tiring we went up and down every baby store for clothing ugh 😅I just want a warm bubble bath! I leave tomorrow to Miami at 7am so I decide to bath and go to bed so I can rest. Sasuke will be here by 6am to get me so? I make it my apartment and lock up I go to my room and grab my big rolling suitcase and put it near the door. * door * I go get my bath ready ....... * lamp * I lay my head on my pillow and as I begin to dream I see me and sasuke on a nice Sandy beach tangled kissing Oh boy 😶😅😍sasuke !!!!! ......... * door bell * * knocking * " huh? Omg sasuke!" I jump out of bed I throw on my matching set of tight joggers and the matching long sleeve short hooded top I grab a hair tie and do a big messy bun on my head. Before leaving I grab my cell phone charger and necklace and I head to the door * unlocks door * " sasuke?" " you forgot didn't you? Come on itachi's downstairs waiting for us with the Baka?" " right sorry!" He smirks grabbing my heavy rolling suitcase and I turn grabbing my mini back pack I throw my stuff in and put on my necklace real quick. * keys* I lock my door and we head downstairs ..... * car trunk * " hey itachi can you put some music on?" * fart * " no music!" " come on man?" Sasuke turns lookin at naruto " alright fuck!" I giggle and itachi takes off ..... * airplane flys over head * " alright let's go guys? I'm excited for this?" I smile getting out " i am too! ... I wana see him shirtless I mean with a shirt on of course aha😀😶😶😅" " secrets safe with me Hinata 😉" I hit itachi's shoulder playfully we grab our stuff and head to sasuke's private hanger his plane is awesome " welcome mr. Uchiha?" " hi?" 4 service men take our stuff and we head in naruto is farting every step he takes I'm dieing " dude your gonna fart us to death! Go shit!" " i don't have to .... Oh I do!" He runs off to the bathroom in back. I go find a seat and I get my phone plugged in and set on the window next to me " * seat buckle * " you ready brother?" " yes .... I'm tired I'm gonna sleep you should too we have a very long trip?" " right?" I look out the window but my eyes close ........ 48 hours and 30 minutes later ........ * snoring * " man it stinks in here like feet fart and breathe?" " it ain't us it's the Baka? Hey wake up you bitch!" " Oh those nipples huh who sakura?" " it's not your wife you bitch?" " rude are we here yet?" " yeah we're gonna land it's like 5:30 pm here?" " ugh I'm tired?" " you can sleep once we get to the beach house?" " a beach house yes!!" I shake my head. I buckle in and we start descending " wow look at the lights!" " it's nice Hinata your gonna love it 😊" She smiles at itachi I smirk staring into my phone bored ...... * airplane lands * we finally land and I'm excited! " is that your ride 😑😅" " you know I roll in style?" " but where are we 3 gonna fit?" " your going with itachi in the limo Hinata comes with me?" He turns looking at me I know I'm as bright as tomato right now!!! We get out of the plane and sasuke heads to his Ferrari " sasuke you don't have to take me in your car really?" " itachi hates showing off and naruto will only ruin the leather with his gas? So I figure you'd want to?" I knod red and he helps me in I buckle up red and shaky. I decide to remove my bun since the top less car is gonna ruin my hair " enjoy this hinata?" I knod he revs up this bad boy and takes off in the rear view mirror I see naruto sticking his body out through the limos sun roof screaming " Baka ugh!" I die laughing lol. As we make into the busy crowded Miami strip near the beach I notice women eyeing  him and it boils me but I relax " see the beach on your right?" " yeah but once it's daylight it'll be spectacular! Thanks for this sasuke ..... I ... uhm really do appreciate this opportunity?" " just helping out a friend? What the fuck is this Baka doing now 😑" i turn around seeing naruto with itachi's shirt waving it in the air through the sunroof in the limo " is he drunk?" " either that or he was dropped as a baby which I believe is the fuckin case? .... that's our beach house now to find fuckin parking ugh!" I smile seeing a cute sky blue home on the beach but the traffic here is ridiculous! " Sasuke let me get off here and I'll save that spot right there for you!" " alright?" I u buckle my seat belt and run to the empty parking space I stand there waiting and he pulls up parking. The limo passes us and naruto screams out " tities!!!" Sasuke looks at him pissed Oh snap! * car door * he walks over to me and I follow him down the street to our beach house I decide to remove my sneakers so I do and the soft warm sand beneath my feet is amazing ahhhhhh 😆 I could get used to this! * keys * he unlocks the door and we enter " wow! It's so nice in here!? How many rooms are in here since it looks like two floors?" " it says here .... 5 rooms total and 3 full baths. I wasn't at this one last time I came so?" We walk in and I turn on a light I see the kitchen to my right and it's modern yet beachy and super big with a beautiful marble island in the middle of the wooden floor. " hey! Wow nice pad?" " shut up are you deaf!!! Fuck man?" I giggle " where's itachi?" " Oh he's bringing the bags I got some with me I'm gonna go help him excuse me? Itachi!" " fuckin moron I swear?" Sasuke grabs my big rolling suitcase and takes it up the stairs I follow close behind him he leads me to my room which has a nice balcony and an amazing view of the ocean 😍😍😍 " wow!!! I'm definitely leaving the curtain open! Sasuke - kun?" He turns " yeah?" I stun myself by kissing his cheek softly " thank you again for all of this ☺" He knods and walks out .......

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