Chapter 17. Breaking Free?

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I unwind at a bar but I get too damn drunk I'm unable to drive myself  back so I grab a cab ..... * cd * " He said song number 8 is for your baby girl?" I clutch the cd cover close to me and I begin to sob " I love you sasuke oh!" " omg are you alright?" " She kicked feel it naruto!" He puts his huge hand on my tummy and smiles " awwww you want your daddy don't cha girl? He has a big head with huge ears aha?" " don't tell her that mind your dumb uncle! He loves you baby he thought of you let's play number 8 first?" * presses button on cd player * * piano plays * " i love your smile my little dove .... I love your hugs my little dove ...." my eyes water I turn seeing naruto balling his eyes out " ugh are you okay?" " it's just so damn beautiful all this love here omg I need a kleenex!" I die laughing but I cry at the same time I softly dance rubbing my tummy she starts kicking alot hearing his voice " don't worry baby you'll hear him soon .. I plan to find him and work this out I'm willing to do this for you and for us my love!" .... * door* I walk into my place and I bump into my couch but kick it " move I was here first fuck!" I drop my cell and keys I giggle and burp. I feel around for my door and open it but I fall landing on my stomach I'm too weak to move so I fall out hard ..... all the while I dream of her my Hinata and her raven locks and her hands caressing me ...... * phone ringing * I wake up on my floor " ugh fuck I'm never drinking this hard again? ... who can it be hello! You!!!! I'm done with you, you filthy bitch and your fired! I don't care so sue me then! You ruined my life and took away everything but now I'm taking back my freedom and there's nothing you or no one can do to chain me ever again! * beep * " i sit up and cry but I see a pic of Hinata on my dresser and smile " i will make it right I hope you come soon so we can fix this mess? " ..........

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