Chapter 16. Torn Apart

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I've never felt so alone in all of my life. I head to the recording studio I feel now is the right time to let out my feelings and I wanna make a special cd for my panda upon heading in I bump into someone I least expect * bump * " ey lad .... Oh are yee alright sasuke?" I break down punching the floor " I fucking lost her!!!!" " whoa easy come let's talk in here?" He grabs me and we head into the recording studio " i saw on the TV but they blow everything out of proportion ... this yumi lass she gets around that's how she got her last gig with what's his name?" " i know she's an evil bitch? I hate her she ruined my life and now Hinata and my kid have to pay for my shitty mistakes!" " Hinata is with child!? Lad congratulations but I am sorry? What are yee having?" " a beautiful baby girl ..... " He pats my back I look up at him " Tristan ... I want to make Hinata a special cd only for her can you help me make that happen?" " sure lad let's find some beats?" ..... me and him spend all afternoon doing the cd by the time midnight rolls around its done and ready to go I head out dazed to her place I see Naruto's red car parked out in front. I head up the 8 flights of stairs to her door ... * knock * " coming!" The Baka comes answering the door " .... hey? What's this?" " it's for my panda ... tell her I made this specially just for her make sure she plays it ok? Song number 8 is for my baby girl .... and here's a list of baby names I love I thought she could consider it if she wants to? ..... itachi here?" " he's shittin your wife is asleep she fell out crying. Overall she's been a wreck but she smiles .... she will always love you man?" " and I her I fucked up and now she has to pay for my mistakes I will find a way to make it right! Even if I have to let her go ...... * crys *" " sasuke wait! Oh boy ..." i walk down the stairs with a heavy heart I decide to hit up a bar and drink my blues away .........

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