Chapter 28. The Trial

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I wake up in pain but I see naruto out on his seat next to me farting. I look around and I see itachi and madara chatting but they look at me " brother I thought I lost you!" He holds me close kissin my head. " where's my wife and child?" " safe .... I'll bring her by okay? I didn't tell her so she wouldn't worry but I'll bring her sasuke okay?" Itachi walks off and I look at my arm seeing half of it gone and I sigh but madara sits on the corner of my bed grabbing my hand ....... * keys * " Oh itachi :) what's wrong?" " sit I need to tell you something?" I sit down holding Sayuri who's talkin to my chin " sasuke's in the hospital .... him and naruto were assaulted by a guy with a shotgun but sasuke saved naruto getting his left arm shot off?" " what!!!!! I have to be with him!" " I'll stay with Sayuri .... go pack a bag?" " you sure you got her?" " yup :)" I kiss my baby and hand her to itachi he goes and does her diaper I cry but I pack me and him a small hospital bag and I head out ....... I make it to the hospital and I head to the 3rd floor and I see madara outside his door on his cell * beep * " he's asleep he's on strong pain meds?" " .... thanks for staying by his side?" " he's like a son to me so is itachi I'd be here for them? Naruto left to rest he'll be back tomorrow I'm off to he needs you? If anythin call me okay? I'm goin with itachi to help him with Sayuri :)" I hug madara and he walks off. I go in and see his left arm all bandaged up propped up on a thick pillow but it looks bloody and I see a nurse come in changing his bandages and lookin at his arm " seems he's got a bit of an infection shoot?" She walks out returning with an iv bag " this is the antibiotics for his arm?" " how is he overall?" " He lost alot of blood and his nerves there were shot badly but he still can feel? I'm goin to dress it up but this will kill the infection let me check his temp?" She checks him and whatnot and brings him water and ice and walks off. I kiss his lips and his eyes open " baby?" I hug him tightly cryin " hey look at me?" " I'm so glad your alright!?" He smiles at me " do you still love me?" " you could be missin half your body and I'd still love you sasuke you know that!!!!! I love you baby!" He kisses me " it's goin to be hard gettin used to bein like this?" " I'll help you :) and when we do it I'll be on top?" " i can still dominate you babe even like this :)" I blush " how's our baby girl?" " she's fine with itachi he sent me a pic of her out in her crib :) she's a good baby?" " I'm goin to court for what yumi's done to us. I hired a private detective to spy on her ass and he found out she's behind all of this including the guy who assaulted me and naruto?" " omg! I knew she was evil!?" " I'm sorry ..... if I could I would strangle her ass! ....... I love you?" I lean down kissing sasuke " she's not worth you goin to jail?" He rubs my face sighing. I'm worried about this mess but I know we'll get justice once and for all! Sasuke ends up goin to trial for this but he's still weak so a nurse is there I am too. That evil bitch dresses in all black cryin playin it odd but she comes out losing and is taken away so is her hired help. Sasuke falls ill again due to another infection so he spends more time at the hospital healing ......

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