Chapter 26. Finally Married

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Hospital security doesn't find the odd assailant but they have there eyes peeled in the maternity ward and throughout the hospital. We keep Sayuri with us just in case and through the night she feeds every 4 hours but we manage to rest ...... the next morning round noon were discharged from the hospital and I smile placing my tiny bundle in her car seat. She's bundled in a cute outfit 2 sizes too big for her Hinata sits in back admiring our creation sighing in bliss. I am too we take off and head back to madaras he feels it's best we stay with him for now since he hired a private detective and found out yumi sent a hit on us. * gate * his gates open and we drive into his huge mansion * car door * I get out and I see her smiling at Sayuri who's out " i still can't believe we made her?" She gets out and I grab the car seat " neither can i? What do you think of me letting my hair grow?" " well I think you'd sexy?" I kiss her and she spanks my ass grabbing the baby bag " I'll come back for our stuff babe?" We head in and there's madara " :( Oh she's asleep?" " she'll wake up later lol she sleeps alot?" I follow him to our room and I place the car seat down taking the baby monitor we got and I grab it heading to the car but there's Hinata bein super woman " Babe go rest I got it?" She walks off and I grab our stuff ...... * door * " you two got the dress?" " isn't it nice?" " she'll love it lol she's nappin so I got time to get ready?" " the priest should be here any minute?" I put on my suit and shoes and I grab the bouquet of roses and I walk out to the living room. I see her stretching " Babe? My what's with the sexy tuxedo on?" I hold out my hand for her " come?" She stands red but I put my ear on the baby monitor and I check the tiny screen moving the camera seeing her still out " sasuke?" " you trust me right?" She knods red .... itachi helps her into the gown and I wait nervously as I see the door open to my uncles study and there she comes in her gown lookin so sexy I blush there's her dad he walks her to me handing her over to me he shakes my hand and stands next to itachi smiling " you both come before God to become husband and wife?" I look at her as she crys smiling lookin at me " yes?" " yes we do?" The priest begins and I say my vows which is 5 minutes long but we hear Sayuri cry and her dad goes after her. Then she says her * door * there he comes in holding her she's so cute we see her eyes open " hi baby :)" we both kiss her tiny cheeks and continue and finally we exchange rings she puts mine on my finger and mine on hers which is a huge red heart diamond " now you may kiss your bride?" I kiss her and she crys against me. We turn and I grab my daughter " hi baby?" I kiss her and she yawns " it seems she has your eyes the shape and color :)" " She looks just like you bro?" " my mini me lol?" We all head to the living room seeing naruto with sakura and the kids. " congratulations you two!!!" Sakura comes over and holds Sayuri kissing her we all celebrate with good wine but I drink soda instead and I change into a comfy pj's returning with a blanky and I breastfeed Sayuri as everyone enjoys. I look at Sasuke smiling he looks at me watery he comes and sits next to me putting his arm over me " i love you hinata?" I kiss him turning red " and I love you way more my sexy husband lol?" He smiles finally I have my ever after ..........

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