Chapter 6. First Kiss?

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* ocean waves * I wake up to bliss the fresh salty air makes a big smile come over my face. I hear naruto farting outside my door but he begins knocking * knock * " Hinata? Ugh?" He opens my door I cover myself with my sheet " Oh ugh naruto - kan?" " hey sasuke did breakfast with his brother are you gonna join us?" " hai!" He closes my door and I scramble to brush my teeth .... * sink * I come out in my pj's it's a soft lilac cami and matching shorts I grab a hair tie and do a messy bun * door * I leave my room and head down the stairs man this summer home is awesome! I wanna come here again but I can't pry him to take me with him here it just wouldn't be right! * sizzle * I make it into the beautiful kitchen and I see sasuke has flour on his face and itachi has a huge Chef hat on 😂😂😂 " do you boys need any help?" I notice sasuke eyeing me alot he looks red and hands me a cup and a plate of neatly stacked pancakes " try it .... I ugh made I ugh mean did them for you!" I blush " thank you sasuke ☺" * chewing * " mmm it's so good? Yum!" I see him hide a smile and wash off his face * water * * fart squeak* " Oh aha?" * smack * " ouw!!!! Fuck!" " go take a shit man!" I giggle itachi flips eggs in the pan giggling " you two sound like a married couple?" " i agree " " real nice you two? Hey! I made that for Hinata not you!" " Oh oops?" " it's fine I'm gettin full from sasuke's tasty pancakes 😘" I notice him blush " eggs are done?" I get up and head to the sink putting my plate in , then I head to the fridge grabbing some water * pouring water * * closes fridge door * I walk back to my stool and sit sipping my water. " Sakura just saw her doctor she's approximately 2 months pregnant 😭" " congratulations man? Is she doin fine?" " yes lol just hungry alot? The doctor saw 2 heart beats 😄I've got special sperm 😎😋" " any man can make babies Baka?" Naruto pouts " he's got a point naruto but twins wow that's rare? I'll get you guys some clothing? Hold on its madara?" * beep * " hey man your slow?" Itachi chats away with madara I decide to head outside and catch the ocean breeze. I put my cup in the sink and I head outside * door * the sun hits my face and I block it with my hand I'm in awww at how beautiful it is here " it's nice out today?" I turn red sasuke's next to me with naruto " let me get my bucket set and sunscreem!" He runs back inside I blush smiling I walk to the water and let the water hit my feet I feel eyes on me but see its sasuke he removes his shirt walking by me on his cell I blush he looks so good! He's more ripped and has a 6 pack rawr! " admiring my brother huh?" I giggle at itachi " he's just .... I'm falling hard for him please don't say a word to anyone?" " i won't I can tell he's into you as well he told me this morning I can't stop staring at her so 😉" I smile looking at him but what worries me is how women stare at him I pray I don't get hurt I can't afford another heart break I already lost a piece of my heart when neji died and my mother I can't afford anymore heartache I just can't. " Hinata get ready by 3 were heading to meet my uncle at a nice restaurant then tour the city?" I knod and walk back inside I undo my hair and go take a nice bath ..  5 minutes later .. I come out wrapped in my towel I decide to show some skin especially for sasuke so I grab my new outfit from fashion nova 😉it's a matching set but awfully sexy I have more but this one is great for our outing so why not? It's a dusty pink mauve color the top is cropped and the skirt is tight then flares out mid calf. I grab my nude strap heels and put them on then my skirt bra and then my top. I go sit in the vanity in the room and I comb out my hair but I see its pretty warm out so I decide on a messy top knot. * perfume * I put on my initial necklace and my mother's ring on my forefinger " mom ... am I doing the right thing by falling in love with sasuke? Please lord send me some sort of sign?" I stare at myself in the mirror " I hope your heart feels the same? " I get up grabbing my white mini back pack and I head down stairs " my you look lovely ☺" " not bad yourself itachi? Tryna impress the lady's?" " well no? Maybe lol hey naruto?" " I'm ready where's sasuke?" " right here?" I turn staring at every inch of him he's got on a white v neck tee black jeans with some miminal rips on the lower leg and his signature black converse hi tops and his diamond dog tag necklace " show off 😒" " don't hate me cause you ain't me Baka 😏" naruto sticks his tongue out at him but sasuke sees in the reflection bitch slapping him so hard he falls " damn brother?" " fuck!" " want more terd!" " NO!!!!!" I silently giggle sasuke stares at me from the corner of his eye. We head out and head to the street  " here the rental keys? You two got a Lamborghini it's white?" " i see it come on well follow behind you two?" We walk in the opposite direction we approach our car and sasuke opens my door for me * car door * I get in and buckle up he gets in and turns on the car I guess today he's feeling bad ass he turns on the radio blasting some Reggaeton. He places his black shades on him and takes off we see itachi behind us to our left. I grab my nude cat eye shades and put them on I smile looking out the window I begin bopping to the music " you understand what there saying?" " yes I know 10 languages Spanish being one of them sasuke 🙄" He smirks * car pulls up next to us * " hey? Hey!!!" " shut up you fuckin Baka damn!" I giggle naruto is such a retard he's dancing in his seat with some orange shades on omg 😂😂😂 I swear he was dropped as a baby lol. The light turns green and we take off fast down the lane I admire the sparkly clear waters in awww and I daze off daydreaming of me and sasuke kissing mmm! I move my hand not realizing it touches his and he actually grabs my hand holding it. I don't even realize it until we make it to the restaurant * car engine * * keys * I turn looking at him he looks at me and we're both super red he pulls away fast so do I and I get out walking to those two whew that was a close call!!!! " hey madara!!!" " when the hell is he gonna tone that shit down?" " brother relax he's just having fun?" Itachi grabs sasuke kissing his head but sasuke pushes him off in a playful way seeing them like that makes me miss neji he was like the brother I never had I mean I do have a sister but she's a top model and well a total " stuck up snob " she forgot about me once her status took off. So it's just me and my dad * sigh * we go in and the hostess takes us to our nice table in back near this beautiful old fountain * slap * " don't touch that man?" " aha sorry" itachi slaps naruto he touches everythin like a baby sheesh? Madara helps me in my seat I grab the menu and scan it i see a delicious fish salad and decide to order that with the peach sangria! " wow I'm gonna have 2 plates of burgers fries and a chicken wrap and soup on the side 😆" sasuke looks like he wants to back slap naruto 😂😂😂 our waiter comes and we give her our orders .... 34 minutes later ..... * Pat * " I'm happily full ah! Thanks for the food madara?" " no problem? Well I can't stay I gotta meet with Tristan and Psy so later?" He walks off and we decide to walk around this area and explore naruto wanders off with itachi leaving me with sasuke 😶😶 " you wanna go in there?" I knod shyly and we enter a boutique I like the clothes but I can't afford anythin in here it's very pricy but before I can grab sasuke so we can go he's gone? " sasuke - kan?" I look around for him but he's no where to be found so I head outside thinking he's out here but he taps my shoulder I see him with a bag in his hand " where did you go? I forgot my cell so I can't afford getting lost 😥" " you won't I'll find you?" He walks off and I follow shyly next to him, He sees a nice suit store and we head inside ..... 7pm ..... * ocean waves * we make it back to the beach house but there not back yet so we sit on the sand admiring the sun set I see his hand not too far from mine so I pretend to accidently touch his but he doesn't move away I turn looking at him with red cheeks he looks at me " Hinata I .... uhm ..." He leans in I do too and our noses touch my eyes close * kiss * my heart beats out of my chest! .......

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