Meeting a new girl

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Entry 2: Meeting a new girl date:18-09-16
As I got to where he was I saw him trying to get away from the girl that I saw earlier. She threw a punch at him which made me hold my breath. It seemed to go slow and than fast again when he dodging it. I let my breath go and ran to help him. She was about to throw another punch at him but I grabbed her knuckle before she hit him.
"Your not going to hurt him moon child." I told with anger in my voice.
"Why do you care anyway?"
I didn't answer and kept a death stare on her until Will spoke up.
"Thank you V. You saved my life."
"Your still not saved yet Will. You still have me to deal with." I told through my teeth
"Yes Viola."
The girl started to grin and chuckled a bit.
"What's with you moon child? Are you turning crazy if so please tell me so I can run."
"Your Viola."
"Yes?" I told being confused.
"Can you let go off my hand please."
"You won't hurt Will will you?"
I release her hand from my grasp and crossed my arms over my chest.
"It's nice to finally meet you Viola. I've heard a lot about you."
"How?" I asked confused
I heard footsteps moving away and I grab ahold of Wills collar.
"Not so fast Wilfred." I told not removing my sight on the girl in front of me.
"Well I see Will hasn't told you of me."
"What do you mean?"
"Let me introduce myself again." She raises a hand in front of me"I'm Tsukiko Hazeldine."
My eyes went a bit wide and I turned around and began to walk to class.
"You didn't tell her did you?"
"What you've told us.... Your dead."
"I know."
That's the last thing I heard from them. I walk in and I see Ann there panicking with Andrew next to her trying to calm her down.
"I'm sure they will all show up. Stay calm."
"I can't Andrew. What if Ace finds out Viola didn't show up to class. He will kill me. That's it I'm dead."
"No he won't."
"He nearly killed me once for hiding his egg back in high school. And that was a egg what about his real child."
"Well I guess we won't mention this to my farther or mother." I told
Ann and Andrew looked over at me and I could see Ann's eyes were tearing up.Ann came running up and hugged me and began to swing me a bit.
"You made me so worried Viola." She put me down and grabbed a hold of my shoulders."never do that again. Where were you? And were is the rest of the class?"
"Well I had to help Will because his sister was throwing punches at him...."
"Wait Will has a sister?" She asked being quite confused.
She looked over at Andrew and gave him her look- her look breaks anyone. She some how can stare right into their souls and will break anything that she needs out of them.
(Andrew must have not told her about Wills siblings. He is a dead man.)
She looks back at me and let's me finish.
"So a whole hep of people were there I'm guessing he ran out of the class so they all followed to see what would happen."
Everyone began to walk back into the class room with Will in the mist of them.Ann lets go of me and allows me to sit into my spot. Will comes over and is about to say something until I told him to be quite.
(Everyone is in for a treat. I might still get in trouble but than again I did tell them were everyone went.)
As soon as everyone settled Ann began talking.
"Why are you all so late?"
No one spoke a thing.
"I said why are you all late?"
No one would say a thing. She gave them their her stare and one by one they began to break.
"We left the room because Will ran out." Zan began
"We didn't know if he was going to be alright seeing as a girl chased him out." Yaki told.
"We went after him and saw that she was throwing punches at him."
"I kept dodging them and just as I thought I was gonna get hit Viola came in and saved me."
I wouldn't look at him since I was mad he didn't tell me who she was.
"You are all so lucky I didn't call the principal. You all had me and Mr. Steve worried sick." Her face changed back to her calm self."you are all lucky Viola came back and explained what happened before you all returned. And before you begin to ask why I still asked you was so I knew she wasn't lying to protect you all from getting in trouble."
Everyone says sorry at the same time and it sounded strange.
(She seemed to have calmed down a bit. I'm glad.)
I smirk at seeing how happy she was that everyone was alright. At the corner of my eye I saw will looking at me with a frown upon his face. I turned to face him and he looks away.
(I hurt him that much. I understand why he didn't want me to know.... He doesn't want to over whelm me.)
I place my hand on top of his. He flung his towards me with a shocked yet confused face.
I giggled at his reaction and had to remove my hand to cover the noise of my laughter. He smirks at me and I nudge his side with my elbow.
(I may be mad at him but I forgive him for now.)
We went back to our lesson and I saw Ann and Andrew looking over at us. They saw that I can see what's happening and they quickly pretend to be doing something else.
(I love them.)

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