Family dinner part 3

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~at home (nothing really happened in the car except for Viola kinda falling asleep in the limo and Will carrying her so her farther could open the door.)~

When I woke from my little snooze in the car I was on my bed. I saw my pjs on the bed and my flats off. I got up and headed to the bathroom to get changed still being out of it. I opened the door and saw Will standing there putting his shirt on. I relised what was going on that I said sorry and shut the door. I walked back to my room with my eyes kinda wide with Tsukiko on the folded bed in my room on her phone. She looked up and gave me a weird look.
"You alright? It looks like you saw a ghost."
"Not a ghost. Anything but a ghost." I told
I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Will there grinning.
"I'm gonna get changed now." I told walking back to the bathroom.
When I got there I locked the door so no one could walk in on me and began to get changed thinking of what I just saw.
(I can't believe I saw Will half naked. And he has abs when the hell did this happen? I did not feel them when I hugged him a few days ago and you can't get them like that in a few days. How the hell have I not known about this?)
I realised that I was finished and walked out with my other clothes in my hands trying to push out what I just seen. I walk into my room to see Tsukiko and Will talking about something.
"You guys alright?"
"Yeah we're fine. What about you?" Tsukiko asked
"What do you mean?"
(Please oh please don't be about what happened before.)
"With your eyes being kinda wide and you going straight to the bathroom when Will showed up. You not looking at Will right now!"
(Great. Thank you almighty God if there is one up there.)
"Well your speaking so I didn't want to be rude and look away. When Will showed up I went to the bathroom so I could get changed into my pjs and get my makeup off."
"Then why were your eyes were kinda wide?"
"Uhhhhhhh. No comment."
"Viola just tell her it's no big deal."
"No big to you mr. I won't lock the bathroom door."
"Ok what happened?"Tsukiko asked sounding more confused.
"I walked in on Will while he was putting his shirt on."
"Really. That's all?"
"Oh no I'm fine with that its just he has abs."
Her face had changed to being shocked and she looked over at him.
"When have you had abs?"
"For awhile now. I've been working out with Jimmy."
"We are talking about this when we get home." Tsukiko told
Knock knock
"Alright guys you should be heading to bed soon you have school tomorrow."
"Yeah we will mum. Night."
"Night Miss.Bellatrix."
"Kids call me Savanna. Will you can call me mum if you like."
"He is not calling you mum Savanna!"
"FINE ACE. Night kids."
With that my mother shut the door and I climbed into bed. I began to fall asleep until Tsukiko began to talk to me.
"So Viola who do you fancy?"
"I haven't fancied anyone for nine years now." I told as I turned the light off and rolled over to the other side of my bed.

I was walking around this black domain wondering where I was until the school appeared out of no where. I was walking around people who were walking but the popular kids were back to their younger selfs which was odd for me till I saw myself and him. I walked over to try and help but they couldn't hear me but I could hear them.
"Why would you tell me that you like me then tell me your leaving me!"
"Violet it's not my vote to stay here. I wish I told you sooner but I thought now would be the best chance ever to tell you."
"The day before you were leaving. Yeah how romantic. I'm falling for you more then I was before."
"Don't be like that Violet."
"Just let me think this over."
My younger self told as she walked away. I remembered that day so vividly since it was the day my heart broke into a million pieces.
(Why this day? Out of any day with him it had to be this one. The day he broke my heart.)
"Hey Violet."
I turned to see a girl I knew there but before I could respond I was stabbed in the chest and I fell to the ground.

~real world~
I jolted up on my bed with a short of breath. It was the same dream I've been having for the past few years. While I was breathing I felt a hand on my back. I turned to see Will there with a worried look on his face.
"You alright?"
"I just had a bad dream that's all."
"Do you need to talk about it?"
"Na. But I could use a hug."
He began to chuckle as he embraced me into a hug and I began to slowly fall asleep again in Wills arms. The last thing I heard was Will saying....
"I will always protect you whenever I can."
After that I couldn't hear anything thing else.

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