Your back.

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I was at my locker reading the lowly note that they left on my locker.
~Heard your temper came out on the weekend. What a shame that your friends had to find out about that. I will cut you a deal if you give up Will then we will stop leaving notes on your locker for the world to see.(you've been doing it for nine years. I don't think you will stop.) Now how should you know if we are to stop. Well you don't but you will do it anyway. Or I'll make sure they know your past.~
I scrunched up the note and chuckled to myself.
(I can't believe they believe I will do as they say. They feared me for so many years and now they want me to fear them. Pathetic. They need to do better.)
"Hey Viola." Will said as he came up waving.
"Hey Will."
"Was that a love letter I saw you scrunch up?"
"No a note from my parents."
"How did they get it on your locker though?"
"Well they would have given it to Ann or Andrew. And they stick it onto my locker."
"That makes sense. So you ready for class?"
"As I will ever be." I told as I shut my locker.
We went walking to class but I was embraced into a hug by Tsukiko.
"Hey girl."
"Hey. Shouldn't you be heading to class?"
"I should but I wanted to see you."
"Ok then."
"Hello Viola."
"Hi Ruby."
"Come on Tsukiko. Now that you have said hi to her we can go to class." Ruby told
"Do we have to Ruby?"
"Yes. You want to improve your grade don't you."
"I do. Bye guys." Tsukiko told as she began to walk away.
(I don't believe she has change. She's pulling an act I know it.)
"Yes Will?"
"Come on we don't want to be late." He told as he grabbed my hand and began to drag me to class.
(He has never done this before. Why do I feel weird inside? I've only felt this feeling once before but I don't remember where?)
We got to class just on time and we had a sub. Mr.Jenkins was his name and he was very well known at this school and he is my Uncle on my mums side.
"Today class we will be writing letters."
"Why letters Sir."
"Because Mr. Smith didn't tell me what you will be doing. So letters it can be of any kind expect the ones made to hurt ones feelings."
We all began to work and I was told to go outside to have a talk with my Uncle.
"Yes sir."
"Don't call me sir. Call me Uncle."
"I can't sir. Not while I'm at school. My mother and father told me that."
"Why does my sister have to be such a bummer. Oh well secret handshake?"
"Secret handshake."
After we did our secret handshake we walked back into class and as soon as I sat down Will asked what happened.
"I don't know but he did want to do our secret handshake."
"Why do you have a secret handshake with him?"
"Cause he is my uncle." I whispered to him
"Another one. Your family basically runs this school."
"Well we got a big family. So a lot that wanted to do teaching had decided to come here since my papa runs this place."
"That does make sense."
"Now do your work. My Uncle can be like Ann when it comes to work."
"Viola." He told at the front of the table
"Sorry sir."
"It's alright. I wanted a excuse to come meet the new bloke. Hi the name is Coy Jenkins nice to meet ya. What's his name little V?"
"The name is Will Remington..."
"Ah your apart of the Hazeldine family. No need to say anymore. By the way if you get a chance tell your father he still owes me $500 dollars. Thanks." My Uncle told as he left.
"Don't ask."
We went on to work and I wrote a letter to

❧ Dear Casity
                          How is it at your school? Mine has been boring expect the part where I've made friends. A guy named Wilfred but I call him Will for short and he's got a sister call Tsukiko but I call her moon child. It's been pretty hectic since you left. Mom and Dad are still the same, along with Ann and Andrew still loving each other. Papa Frank is still running the school so that's good. Oh and Masha keeps calling me Violet and she hadn't changed a bit. Oh I wish you were still here with me I could probably coup with this school but your over seas in Japan. I'll see you hopefully at Christmas.
                                                         ~love Viola
While I was contemplating whether or not I should actually send it to her I saw Will reading it at the corner of my eye.
"Will what are you doing?" I whispered to him.
"I'm sorry I saw you writing in the zone and I began to read. Who's Casity anyway?"
"Just a girl I know. That's  all."
He went back to writing and I went back to thinking. I got lost in whether I should send it or not and Will brought me out of it again by telling me we have to head to the other class. We made our way to my locker first and there was a note on it. Before will could read it I ran up and ripped it off. He had a puzzled look on why I did that but I explained it was probably something embarrassing and I wouldn't want him to know about it. After I collected my things we walked to Wills locker and he collected his things.

~lunch time~

After class I went to my locker to meet up with Will a little later and I saw Ruby putting a note on my locker. I didn't move until she left and I began to read the note.
~Tick tock Violet. Your running out of time. Maybe it will motivate you if I threaten to tell them all your past with us. Tick tock your time is nearly up.~ (Yes I know it rhymes)
I got rid of the note before Will showed up and I put my things away and got myself a apple. We walked to a bench and Will remembered that he forgot to get something off Tsukiko so I told him I would stay here and he went running off.
~a few seconds later~
I was sitting there looking at the animals while eating my apple when Tsukiko ran up to me.
"Hey moon child." I said with some apple in my mouth."what's up? And where is Will?" I asked after I swallowed the remaining pieces.
" come....with"
I got up and chased after her since she ran off and we ended up at a class room with the door opened a bit. I was about to go in but Tsukiko stopped me and told me to listen. I went to the edge to listen in and what I heard made me want to run as far away as I could.
"Oh hi ya Will."
"Don't play all innocent with me Ruby!"
"What's up with you?"
"Oh I think you know what's up with me!"
"No I would have no clue why your nickers are in a twist. I don't read minds you know."
"Then what is this." He told as I heard him slam his hand on the table and it made me jump.
There was silence for a couple of seconds and Ruby broke it.
"So I see you have discovered the letters that get put on Violets locker."
"Yes I have... Wait how do you know about people calling her Violet?"
"I have my ways. And what do you want me to do about it?"
"Stop writing her these mean things."
"Oh you're smart but not that smart."
"What do you mean? I've seen you put it on her locker!"
"That's just it. I only put it on her locker. I have never wrote any of them. It was just a order I'm given."
"Who the hell writes them then?"
"I can't tell. If you want to know that bad why don't you ask Violet since they were besties and I was just a friend. That's just how stuff works when your afraid of her."
"Why are you telling me things I don't want to know about?!"
"It seems like to me you don't want to know how she really was back then. Does widdle Wilfred have a crush on Violet?"
"So what if I do! Is there any problem with that?"
My eyes went wide and I was about to walk away when Tsukiko grabbed a hold of me and embraced me into a hug.
"Well since you do lover boy your gonna end up like her last crush. Hated but that is if you leave. Isn't that right Violet?"
I went walking off and I heard Tsukiko go in and say it was just her listening. I didn't hear much after that I just went walking down to my Uncle and ask if he could take me home. Before I could get near him I saw him walking towards me and I went running. I kept going till I bumped into Will and Tsukiko.
"V why are you in a rush?"
"I got to go!"
Before I could leave he called out my name.
"Violet why are you running from me? Or did you see a ghost?"
"Viola who the hell is this cute boy?" Tsukiko asked
"V who is that dude?" Will said with a hit of jealousy.
"Oh I see you went back to your actual name. Who are these people?"
I just had my back faced towards him and I couldn't bring any strength to face him.
"Violet are you alright? Your acting different."
I turned around with my hands clenching the notes I have in my pockets trying not to break down into tears.
"Michael your back."

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