Family dinner part 2

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~sometime later (I didn't want to add a actual time there so there.)~

As we arrived we entered in the restaurant and I slapped Wills hand away from his tie and fixed it again.
"This way Sir. Fellatrix." The lady told
We followed her to our table with the amount of space we needed for everyone. I sat down with Will next to me and Tsukiko next to him. We didn't have to wait long until the others showed up.
"Sorry we're late Frank wouldn't hurry up."
"It's fine Andrew." My farther told
I looked over at Will and Tsukiko and they had their mouths opened.
"You know Will for a first impression you think you wouldn't have your mouth open when you were to meet them." I told as I got up to hug everyone.
"Will and Tsukiko are here? Honey you still need to tell me about his family." Ann told
"I will but not now. So it's good to see you again." He told as he shook their hands."as you should know the names Andrew Fellatrix."
"But your name at school is Smith?" Will told
"That was my surname before I got married and I think at the time I started to work at the same school as Viola I just used it so no one knew we were related."
"To be fair Hun you are related at marriage not blood."
"Mother you forgot to go slow for papa Frank again."
"I'm sorry farther. I really am."
"It's all good. How is my Viola doing?"
"I'm doing just fine papa Frank."
"That's good. Who are the others?"
"This is Will and his sister Tsukiko."
"Ahh. The Hazeldine family. Nice to meet you all again other then across the phone and through my son in law."
"It's all good sir." Tsukiko told
As I turned back to my family I was embraced in a hug by my cousin.
"It's been too long Violet."
"Masha I keep telling you call me Viola."
"I can't help it."
"Uhhh.V who is this?"
"That's right. This is my cousin Masha. Masha this is Will and Tsukiko."
"Hi." Will said
"Sup." Tsukiko said after
Masha sat down next to me and we were like one big happy family. We had ordered dinner and we were chatting away until dinner showed up. I turned back to my friends and saw Tsukiko telling Will something.
"Hey guys what you talking about?"
"Uhh. Just about what might happen when you meet our family."
"Who knows just have some fun tonight alright."I told as I placed my hand on Wills by accident.
When I realised where my hand was I moved it away and said sorry.
(Why did that happen?)
"Hey Violet."
"Masha it's Viola."
"Right sorry. So do you like the new bloke?"
"Uhhh. As what?"
" you did with he that shall not be named."
"Who shall not be named?"
"A guy that I knew." I told to Will
"Not just a guy. Violet here had fancied him and he fancied her as well. Shame you two never got together."
"Masha. We don't speak about him remember." Ann told
"Sorry mother. Sorry Violet."
"Right. Sorry Viola."
"It's all good."
Dinner arrived soon after and we all ate our meals talking about the good old days. I was drinking my soft drink when my mother had said something....
"So we will be able to donate some more money then we usually do to the school for all their supplies."
"Oh you guys donate to the school." Tsukiko asked
"We sure do. About 10,000 million dollars but we can give them 11,000 million dollars this year."
I began to choke on my drink from what they said.
"You ok Viola?" Will asked with one of his hands on his back and the other on my arm.
"I'm good." I looked up at my mother and father."did you really need to say how much we gave to the school?"
"Well she asked and...." My farther began before my mother hushed him
"You didn't tell them did you."
"Wait a minute."
Will looked at me and I looked back giving him my nerves smile.
"Your rich?"
"Not exactly...."
"By not exactly she means yes we are."
"Masha! We kinda are but kinda not at the same time." I told
I was waiting for their response but it never came.
"You have said nothing. Why?"
"We own a company." My farther told us
"I still don't know why you went into that job instead of working at the school."
(Oh no!)
"I'm sorry farther that I wanted to do something other then be at a school."
"What?"they both said in sink
"Do not have this fight tonight in public. Understand?"
"But Vi..."
"Don't you both Viola me. We are not having this fight in public again."
"Do you guys not remember what happened the last time you had a fight in public. We lost a lot of money that time and that was the lowest we have donated to the school. Now no fighting understand?!"
"Yes." They both said
"Thank you."
(They always act like kids.)
My mother checked her watch and began to get up.
"We should get going it's getting late and Viola and her friends have school tomorrow." She turned to us and smiled "you kids are allowed to stay the night at our house if you're folks are alright with that?"
"I asked already if it could be fine and they said yes." Tsukiko told
"Wonderful. See ya all next time." She told as we left

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