How many?

2 1 0

It's been a week since me and Will had he chat under the tree and I'm standing here ready to meet his family kinda. Ok let's be honest I was never ready to meet his family and I still don't know why I agreed to it. I was at the door ready to run away if need be when the door opened. The person was a male around the age of 19-20. He had jet black hair and it was kinda the same hair cut as Wills. He gave me a wicked grin and I forced a smile.
"Is this Wills house?"
He said nothing but blinked at me. Before I could ask what was happening he turns away.
"Yo Will your girlfriend is here!" He shouts
(It's gonna be a long night.)
"She's not my girlfriend Jarry." Will told as he walked to the door.
Before will could greet me properly he was pushed out of the way by Tsukiko and she gave me a hug. I returned the gesture and we broke shortly after.
"You have to meet this girl that I meet in the popular group who is not like the others."
(I've meet everyone in that group and none of them are like that.)
She began to pull me into their house and brought me to their living room. On the couch was a female that was looking down.
"Moon child why are you doing this you know I don't like popular kids."
"You like me."
"Your different."
"Tsukiko she obviously doesn't want to meet this chick."
"She isn't some chick. She's my friend."
"and by some chick do you mean a very lovely woman with a soothing voice?"
(She sounds fimiler. But how?)
"Any way. This is the girl I was talking about her name is Viola."
The girl began to get up and she turned around.
"Hello Viola. It's a pleasure to meet you."
(That's why.)
"It's nice to meet you...."
"The names Ruby."
"She told me that she doesn't like how popular kids are so she has made sure that she isn't mean like any of the others at school."
"That's good to hear I guess."
(I need to have a chat with Ruby before she reviles my past.)
she looks back at her phone and then back at us.
"Well I gotta do something. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer." She told as she hugged Tsukiko.
"It's alright. You gotta do what you gotta do."
She then hugged me which was strange and it made sense when she began to whisper into my ear.
"Have fun while you do. Now that I'm back into your life I'm going to make it a living hell." She then pulled away from me."well it was nice to meet you."
She hugged Will and kissed his cheek which made my stomach feel weird but I pushed it out of my mind for I didn't know why it occurred.
She left after that and then all these people began to surround me.
(Help. Help. HELP!)
The guy from before told them to give me space because I was most likely not ustu this many people.
"So should we do this smallest to tallest?"
"What ever makes you happy." I told Will.
"Ok the smaller ones first." As soon as Will said that about five kids showed up.
"This is Cj, Jay, Junior, May and Steve."
"Hello." They all say at once.
They move along and two more show up.
"These are the twins Chole and Freya."
"I'm Freya-"
"And I'm Chole."
"Does it matter?" The guy on the couch said.
"Yes it matters. You are just saying no one cares who they are. You never say that to kids as wonderful as they are."
"What ever." The guy said as he got up and left.
"And now Jamie is mad."
"Well he shouldn't have been mean to his siblings." I told Will and as soon as I said it the twins began to hug me.
"Thank you so much-"
"Yeah no one in this family has stood up to him like that."
"Your welcome." I told with a smile on my face.
They let go and three others came to get introduced.
"Meet George, Hollie and Isabella."
"Nice to meet you all."
"Nice to meet you too babe."
"Uh how old are you?"
"Ten but age doesn't matter to me."
"It matters to me George. But I'm very pleased to know you. Maybe I can be your wing woman for you in the future."
He eyes got so wide that Hollie had to push him away.
"Well that was interesting."
"It was."
I was getting ready to meet more of the family but Will told me that they were all going to show up later. We sat down on the couch and just talked and talked for what it felt like hours and then one of his siblings put on walk like an Egyptian. They all began to start dancing and I was pulled into the mix. I tried getting Will to get me out but he left me there but it didn't matter because I was having fun with dancing with all of them. The music was turned off and we all turn to see a woman there.
"Kids dinners ready."
We all started heading to the kitchen area but I was pulled back by the twins and they both dragged me to the woman that I presumed was their mother.
"Mother meet Viola-"
"She's very nice mother can she sit next to us?"
"Yes mother can she?"
She began to giggle"it's violas choice is it not."
"I don't mind." I leaned down so only they heard me"you guys should ask Will if it's okay."
The both looked at each other and began to run to the kitchen leaving me behind and confused where to go. I had a hand placed on my shoulder and it was there Mother.
"I'll show you were the kitchen is. Even though Will should be doing it."
"It's not his fault. He most likely didn't know I was pulled away from everyone."
"True. By the way my name is Willow."
"And you know my name is Viola."
"That I do."
We soon got to the kitchen and it was breath taking. I had no words for it and everyone was joined it at one large table.
I was waved down by the twins who had a seat free for me in the middle of them. We were all getting our food when a older male walks in and I presumed it was his farther.
He had short black hair with a white line through it. His eyes seemed to have no life and love in them.
"What's going on here?"
"Remember today was when Wills friend was meeting us."
"Was that today?"
"Yes it was honey."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Ash."
"Nice to meet you sir. I'm Viola."
He sat down and he began to get his food. We were all there talking about our day and a lot of people asked how I meet Will and how we became friends.
"Well the teacher had put Will next to me so I could make a friend and I tried to get him to leave my table but he was different from the others and said I had a lovely voice. I then saw his eyes and I mentioned them. I hurt his feelings not meaning to and as a sorry gift I gave him a drawing."
"Just a random drawing I guess."
"Actually no it was her look on me..."
"So she payed someone to draw it."
"Jamie she drew it herself. Why the hell do you not like her?" Will told
"I just don't want to see you get hurt by some girl. What you've told us just now is she hurt your feelings the first time you meet?"
"I didn't mean to. I didn't know it was a sensitive topic to him."
"You shut up!"
"Do not speak to her like that." Will shouted as he suddenly stood up.
I heard Tsukiko say something but I couldn't make out what. Which didnt matter at that moment when Wills farther got up and slapped Will across the face. I got up and ran over to him to see if he was alright.
"We will have a sensible dinner tonight. Is that understood?"
"Well a sensible dinner is out of the question now." I told
"Now why is that?"
"Because you slapped your own son. That is not how a parent should be."
"Don't you speak to me like that young girl."
"Your gonna have to make me."
He was about to hit me but I grabbed his wrist anode everyone's face was shocked along with his.
"You are so lucky that I will not report you to the cops. But if I find out that you have hit anyone of your kids then I won't be so nice next time. And control your god damn son!" I threw his arm away and I began to take will to the bathroom."come on let's take you somewhere else to clean you up."

~a second later~
I was in the bathroom with Will calming him down and getting him stuff for his face to take away the swelling. As I was working on his face Will began to talk.
"You didn't have to do that."
"I know."
I kept at his face but all he wanted to do was talk.
"Viola you could've gotten hurt from my farther."
"But I didn't."
"You don't understand my farther won't stop."
"Then I will report him."
"Don't you think that has already happened. He payed his way out of it."
"Well then I will make sure it doesn't happen." I told as I dabbed his face.
When I was about to dab it some more he grabbed my arm so I would pay more attention to him. I could see in his eyes that he was scared and I knew why that was very quickly.
"I don't want you to get hurt Viola. You mean everything to me."
"And I didn't like it when I saw you get hurt. Did you think I would just let this go like nothing happened and it was just one of my dreams. This is reality Will and you mean everything to me as well and I'm going to protect that as much as I can."
"That's so sweet? This is why you guys would make a cute couple."
We turned to see everyone there but Wills mom and dad and Jamie. I got up and shooed them away and shut the door.
"Well then shall I get back to fixing that face of yours?"
"I think it's fine. Thanks." Will told as he left.
"Oh ok then."
(I hope his not mad at me. I really don't know what's going on.)
"Viola your parents said you can stay over yes?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Good. You can sleep in wills room."
"I'm joking you're sleeping in Tsukiko's room. The other two that share the room with her are over seas."
"How many are here?"
"Oh a few. We liked to adopt kids who needed a home. Half of them are our own the other half are adopted."
"That's very sweet. Do they all get hit or is that just Will?"
"He doesn't hit them. But he gets drunk some times and that's what happens. You should meet him when he is better."
(Would rather not.)
"Any way this is Tsukiko's room. Night."
"Night." I opened the door and saw her room.
"Oh hey Viola."
"Hi. Your room is so big."
"Well it gotta be if you share with people."
"That is true."

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