Sport class

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Entry four: Sport class Date:12-10-16
While everyone was waiting for the teacher to show up I walked over to hex when I saw him enter the gym.
"Yes..Viola is it?"
"Yes. I just wanted to say happy birthday."
I began to walk back to where I was sitting and I had a arm put around my shoulders and I turn to see Will. I grabbed one of his fingers with my thumb and middle finger and took his hand and arm off me.
"No no."
"Hey at least your not mad at me."
"Not anymore."
"Yeah...." He stopped to think "Wait what?!"
"I'm not mad at you anymore."
"What do you mean anymore?"
"Anymore means..."
"I know what it means V. But why aren't you upset at me anymore?"
"Well Moon child...."
"What did my sister do!?"
"Well she explained why you kept her hidden from me and why your nervous about me meeting your parents."
"Why would she do that? She doesn't like me that well as you saw this morning."
"Well it's what friends do." I had another arm placed around my shoulders.
"So you leave her arm but not mine?"
"Well maybe it's because she told me the truth and didn't hide any secrets from me."
"Look it's something people do they hide little details about themselves."
"Well she said friends don't hide secrets from one another."
"That's true to a point."
"Well I must be a good friend since I told her about mum and dad."
"Not everything....right."
"I told her that they were strict."
"Thank goodness.... Wait a minute."
"Wonder how long it would take him to notice."
"3 minutes and 42 seconds."
"Wow your good."
"Why are you here? And what do you mean friend."
"She's with us for sport Will. And on the way here we became friends."
His emotion was pure nothing I knew he was shocked though. What I didn't think he would do was grab my arm and pull me to a corner. I pulled my arm out of his grasp and began rubbing it.
"What the hell Wilfred?"
"No not what the hell me. What the hell is with you becoming friends with my sister?!"
"She is nice Will. And she said that it's fine for a person to be friends with people's siblings."
"That may be true but..."
"I understand Will. You don't want to lose me as your friend and you won't."
"But she's done it before even when they said I would still be their friend."
I grabbed his hands and held them. "You will never lose me Will. Ok."
I let go of his hands and we turned around to head back to the sits/stage. The teacher came in with the nurse. He told us we would be playing dodgeball and he needed two captains. He chose Tsukiko and Hex- his hand wasn't up. They chose their teams and me and Will were on the opposite sides.
(Better be careful mate. With your sister on my team your gonna get hurt.)
We began the game and Steve was taken out first. Will got out and then I did so I sat next to him. He seemed upset I thought it was because of his sister.
"Are you ok Will?"
"What's wrong? You can tell me."
"It's my parents."
I didn't know what to really say. I now knew that they were strict but I don't know anything else.
"What about them?"
"Just don't worry about it it's nothing."
(I don't want him to not feel like he can't trust me. And by letting him get to trust me i can't ask his sister.)
We weren't paying attention to the game and what snaps us back was yelling between two of the students who I didn't recognise.
"So you guys finally seen what's happening."
We both nod in unison still staring at what's happening in front of us. The argument went quite out of hand and all of a sudden the girl picks up one of the balls we used for the game and threw it at the guys head. What we didn't expect was him turning around and getting hit square in the face and I found out who the people were. The guy was David Azumi Mikogami and River mayhem Casanova  two of the most closest friends at this messed up school who never leave and most specially never get into fights. What was weird Mr. James walks over and it take awhile until I had to find out what was happening.
"Lila what's going on?"
"Something that you wouldn't understand."
With that she walks to what's going on and it was over. After that we were told that class was dismissed and we all went to change back. When we did I court up to Will and I saw how he put a fake smile on. I put one on as well so he didn't know that he hurt me. While we were walking to our secret spot I was pulled away from Will and to the popular kids.
(What the hell is going on? Why am I with these people?)
"Moon child what's going on?"
"I made a fabulous plan to get you more friends."
"What is it?"
"If you hang out with me and the popular people you will get a whole heap of friends. Isn't that exciting."
I looked over at the popular people and I could tell most of them were shocked that I was even speaking in front of them.
(Well I can have some fun here)
"Now why is that exciting?"
"Well you can have more friends and you can be popular. That's like every girls dream and you get to live it."
(If anything I hate how they act.)
"We could totes do that and we can even get our nails done. Yeah right if anything I find it revolting." I told
Tsukiko face was shocked at what I just said and so were all the other people there.
"Why is it revolting to you?" She asked
"Well if you think about most popular kids can be kind of assholes to people, they think they deserve everything, they especially think they need to look better then everyone else and make sure they are the hunters not the pray. Do you get my point?"
They nodded a yes and I began to walk away.
"Also never ask me to be popular again understand."
"Were are you going?"
"To find Will."

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