Holding back the tears

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Entry five: holding back the tears Date: 13-10-16
I went to our tree and found Will there throwing rocks. I walk up to him and block out the sun making him turn to face me. I give him my kindness smile and he just looks away from me and continue to throw rocks. My smile evaporated and a frown had formed on my face.
(What's going on?)
"Shouldn't you be with the popular kids. Seeing as your friends with them now."
"You know I don't like them." I told as I walked in front of him to sit in my spot.
I sat down next to him and he didn't even look away from what he was doing.
"Will are you alright?"
"Does it look like I'm alright?"
"No but...."
"Then why did you ask?"
"So I can possibly help you on what ever is going on. Will you need to trust me."
"You wouldn't be able to help."
"How do you know? You don't so to know if I can you need to tell me what's going on!"
"Why would I tell you anyway. You haven't had a friend for nine years and you've never been bullied for being different. So don't say you can help me when you can't."
At that point I was holding back the tears from what he said to me. It wasn't long until he knew what he said but I had already gotten up and began to walk back to the buildings with tears going down my face like a steam on a calm morning.
"Viola wait!" He told as he tried to grab my arm but I pulled away.
"No will. If anything you don't know what my life has been like! And your saying I can't help you what type of friend is that!"
I told as I ran the rest of the way to the buildings.
(I need to get home. I don't want to be here anymore.)
While running I bumped into Tsukiko which knocked me out of thought.
"I'm so sorry." I told trying to not be a blubbering mess.
"Hey hey. What's wrong? What happened? Do you need will?"
"Don't bother with him he obviously doesn't want me to meet his parents or be friends with him." I told not thinking
"What has he done now?" She asked as we walked to a seat outside next to the school.
"He.... He.... He hurt me." I told as I gave into the tears and sadness that was being bottled up.
"How did he hurt you? Did you catch him kiss another chick? Did he hit you? What happened Viola?"
"If anything him kissing another chick would be better then what he actually did."
"What happened Viola."
"He yelled at me saying I couldn't help him because I've never been bullied before or.... Or I haven't had a friend in nine years."
She didn't say anything and just held me in her embrace. We sat in silence for what felt like hours on end but turns out to have been minutes.
"Tsukiko is there something wrong with me?"
"No. Never think that. You are perfect in every way possible."
"Then why does Will not trust me?"
"I have no clue viola. No clue."
(I wish this never happened.)
I realised what Will would be doing at this moment and remembered what is always on my locker.
(I need to get there before he does!)
I got up and Tsukiko did as well. I began running to my locker to make sure I got there before Will did.
"Where are we going Viola?" She asked as she ran behind me.
"To my locker."
"So Will doesn't see something that I don't want him to see!" I told as I dogged people from left, right and center.
"What don't you want him to see?"
"A note." I told not being loud enough for her to hear me.
I stopped in my tracks as I saw Will heading towards my locker and with my bad luck a note was stuck on.
(Got to hurry!)
Tsukiko caught up and just before she asked what was going on I bolted to get that note first. Everything felt like slow motion at that point as it was a race against the clock to get that note before Will. I extended my arm out in front of me and....

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