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Entry three: discussion date: 28/09/16
As I was carrying my bag to the hall and out of all the noise I heard foot steps coming up from  behind me. I turned around to see it was Tsukiko and she began walking with me to my class.
"What do you want moon child?"
"You know that's not my name yeah."
"I know."
"Look I just want to tell its not his fault that he didn't tell you who I was."
"Really. Look I understand if your family is messed up because mine aren't that normal..."
"Oh no that's not it. Our family can be kind of shtick sometimes and what he has told me and some of our other sibling is your personality. He's just really nervous of you meeting us all and our parents."
"I don't blame him. It's just I want him to tell the truth to me if that makes sense."
"It does. No friends should keep secrets from one another."
"Yeah. It sounds like you never had a friend before."
"I haven't had one in a really long time."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah I pushed people away from me. He was the first not to be frightened of me."
"Well then. Viola how about we become friends then."
"Really? I've read that you can't be friends with people's siblings if you are friends with them."
"Well you can. Come on I will walk you to class seeing as I also have sport."
"This is gonna end bad."
(He doesn't tell her anything does she.)
"Well some of the classes here have some year levels mixed in with each other."
"Right so how will this end bad?"
"Well if you have sport the same time as me and will..."
"Wait why is will in this?"
"I will tell you that after. Now there is a high chance that you are with us."
"Sweet. It's cool cause I like you kiddo."
"Right. Also the reason why will has the same classes as me..."
"Oh I already know you have some of the same classes as each other."
"Not some all."
She gave me a confused look at it.
(Right. Don't screw this up don't want to give away some surprises in the story's plot now.)
"Mr.Frankfort along with Mr. Steve made sure that will and me became friends so they put us in all the same classes."
"So you get no break what so ever from my little bro."
"Man that's real harsh."
"Yeah. But he is really cool and we get along very well together."
"Do you have a crush on my little bro?"
"What! No I don't. We just are really good friends."
She just looked at me for a second and then shrugged. "If you say so." She tells.
(Do I?)

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