Chapter 1-Nuru.

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Nuru's POV.

I giggled, making my way cheerfully down the slope to Pride Rock. Momma's words rang in my head.

Everything the light touches, is part of our Kingdom. Ruling it is a big responsibility, Nuru, and one day when your Queen, that responsibility will be yours.

"All of that." I whispered, leaping down the last of the rocks with another giggle.

"Someones happy."

I turned around, hearing a familiar voice, and instantly grinned.

"Uncle Kion!" I cheered, rearing up and putting my front paws on his chest. "Im always happy!"

"I know." Kion chuckled, leaning down and rasping his tongue over my head gently. "So what are you happy about today?"

"My Momma just showed me the whole Pridelands!" I announced, smiling cheerfully. "And im gonna rule it all!"

Kion purred. "Yes you are."

I giggled before climbing on his back. "Hey Uncle Kion, when im Queen, what'll that make you?" I wondered.

"A monkey's Uncle." Kion teased, chuckling.

"Your so weird!" I laughed, putting my paws on his head.

"You have no idea." Kion rolled his eyes playfully.

I chuckled. "Im serious."

"Your a pawful is what you are." Kion purred.

I rolled my eyes, swatting his ears. "Hey, im not that bad! Wish I wasnt the only cub, though."

"You wont be for long!"

Both me and Kion looked up, eyebrows raised, as Aunt Jasiri trotted up. She's different, cause she's a hyena. Well actually, not that different.

Sisi ni sawa.

Anyway, Uncle Kion looooooves Auntie Jasiri.

"What do you mean?" Kion asked, raising an eyebrow. I looked at Aunt Jasiri, ears pricked.

"Im going to have a cub. Or cubs." Jasiri replied simply, smiling.

"Wow! Really?" I slid off of my Uncle with a gasp.

Kion's mouth fell open.

"Yup." Jasiri smiled down at me.

"Wow!" I giggled, bouncing on my paws. "Awesome! Im not gonna be the only cub anymore!" I laughed.

Uncle Kion was just standing there, frozen.

Jasiri smiled at me before looking at him. "Are you gonna just stand there, Kai?" She teased.

Kion shook his head. "Wow." Was all he could say for a moment. "Cubs?"

I laughed. "Aunt Jasiri and Uncle Kion sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage , then comes the cubs in the cubby carriage!" I teased, laughing.

It didnt take long for Aunt Jasiri to start laughing, and after a moment, Uncle Kion did too.

"Nuru," Kion chuckled. "You sure are something, arent you?"

"I sure am!" I giggled. "Well im gonna go see if Uncle Bunga has any grubs to spare."

Jasiri chuckled. "Have fun, little one."

"Stay out of trouble." Kion added.

"Oh, please." I rolled my eyes. "As if! Later Uncle Kion, bye Auntie Jasiri!" I turned around and shot off, heading to Hakuna Matata Falls with another giggle.


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