Chapter 19-We meet again.

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Koja's POV.


Kion's cubs.

Ha. Kion's. Cubs.

Remembering Kion made me both growl and grin; I hated the lion. I hated him so much.

Why? I dont know, I just did. I truly. Freaking. Hated. Him.

And his cubs...


Oh yeah. They're dead.

I grinned, lost in my own thoughts for a moment. The cubs just crouched. The boy was trembling, but the girl was trying to look brave, at least.

I chuckled and crouched down, stepping closer to them and baring my teeth, a low growl making its way up my throat. This was the moment i'd been waiting for.

Well, not exactly...

But...Getting to hurt Kion, even emotionally, was a win-win for me.

I grinned, unsheathing my claws and stepping forward again, the snarl ripping out through my teeth.

And then there was a responding snarl. It didnt come from either cub; It was one I knew well.

Very. Well.

Two pale golden paws planted right in front of me, and there was another snarl as the other lion finally recognized me. I grinned slightly and straightened up, meeting the furious amber eyes with a cold smirk.


"Koja." The name ripped from Kion's throat. Obviously he hadnt forgotten our last encounter, and neither had I. "We meet again."

"Fancy seeing you again." I chuckled.

"Wish I could say the same."

"So what are you doing here?"

"I live here." Kion retorted. "As for you?"

"Just saying 'hello'." I countered, glancing behind him at the two cubs, who looked both relieved and terrified. I bared my teeth; Both of them squeaked and ducked back, until Kion stepped in front of me again, blocking my view.

"Leave my cubs alone."

"Oh these are your cubs?" I said innocently.

Kion growled, lips curling back over his teeth.

"You've certainly grown." I smirked.

"Im not the same cub as before." Was Kion's low reply.

"Ah yes. But can you still beat me, as strong as I am now?"

"I could beat you any day, Koja."

"I find that very difficult to believe.."

"I told you to leave these Pridelands and never come back." Kion growled. "So go."

"Give me one good reason why I should listen to you." I said, laughing.

"Do you just like having your tail kicked?" Kion spat. "This time I might not let you off with a warning."

"Ooooooh. Im soooo scaaared." I mocked. "Big, bad Kion. Leader of the Lion Guard will beat me....Ha....Right. Too much of a coward. You've always been a coward."

"Look whos talking."

I chuckled darkly. "And whats that supposed to mean?"

Kion held my gaze, his amber eyes unwavering. "Nothing. Just that your calling me a coward yet your the one who ran from the fight."

I snarled at that. "I'll make you eat those words, Kion." I growled, stepping forward until my nose touched his.

Kion glared back, his eyes like cold fire. "I'd like to see you try Koja."

"Then lets battle."

"No." Kion growled, stepping back.

"Too afraid?" I taunted.

"No. I just dont want to make you run screaming to your mother again." Kion retorted, tail lashing.

"I dont have a mother." I scoffed. "I didnt then, and I dont now."

"Well that explains alot now doesnt it." Kion replied.

I glared at him. Man I HATED that guy.

"Oh im sorry, did I insult you?" Kion said innocently, then glared at me again. "Now get out of the Pridelands."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll leave for now. But you wont get rid of me so easily next time."

"Im pretty sure I can but okay." Kion rolled his eyes.

I spat, but turned and started walking away, tail lashing.

"Dont let the door hit you on the way out, Koja." Kion called.

I growled under my breath and continued to walk. One day. One. Day. Kion would see.

One day i'll kill him...

I'll show him....

He shouldnt underestimate me.

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