Chapter 13-Take on the world.

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Nyota's POV.


"Daddy?" I said softly, walking beside my father. Nuru and Furaha were walking ahead, nearing Pride Rock.

"What?" Kion stared straight ahead.

"Are you mad at us?" I whispered.

Kion stopped and sighed. "No, im not mad." He said. "But you could have gotten killed, Nyota, all of you could have."

"I know..." I mumbled, ears back.

Kion bent down and gave me a nudge. "Just dont go there again." He said. "Now go on."

I nodded, nuzzling him before running to catch up with the girls. "Hey."

"Hey," Furaha looked at me. "You ok?"

"Yeah." I sighed. "He's not completely furious, so..."

Nuru's head was down. "Im sorry, guys. We could've gotten killed because I wanted to explore the elephant graveyard. And now we're in trouble, because of me. I feel terrible..."

"Not your fault." I nudged her. "We were in it together."

"Yeah." Furaha agreed, putting an arm around her and another around me. "We get into trouble. Its what we do, girls."

"And, everything will be alright." Furaha said smiling.

"I guess." Nuru sighed.

"I've been waitin'," I sang suddenly.
"For a day like this to come.
Struck like lightnin',
My hearts beatin' like a drum.
On the edge of somethin' wonderful."

"Face to face with changes,
Whats it all about?
Life is crazy,
But I know I can work it out.
'Cuz i've got you to live it with me!" Furaha joined in, and Nuru smiled.

"I feel alright,
Im gonna take on the wo-o-orld!
Light up the stars,
I've got some pages to turn,
Im singing oh-oh-oh,
Oh-oh-oh-oh!" We sang.
"Take on the world!
Take on the world!"

"Take on the world!" I sang.

"Take on the world!" Nuru sang.

"Take on the world!" Furaha finished, nudging us. "See?"

"Yeah." Nuru smiled slightly.

I grinned. "Everything will be alright as long as we're together."

"Exactly." Furaha agreed, smiling. Nuru chuckled.


The Circle of Life.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang