Chapter 12-Trouble.

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Nuru's POV.



I stopped, mouth open. That definitely wasnt me!

The hyenas stopped too, looking suddenly terrified. Suddenly someone else leaped forward, landing in front of us with a loud snarl. I jumped back in shock.

Uncle Kion!

Kion lunged forward, slamming all three hyenas to the ground and holding them there. "How dare you mess with these cubs?" He roared.

"K-K-K-Kion!" Rei stammered. "S-So nice to see you here! Y-you know these cubs?"

"One of them is my daughter." Uncle Kion growled, bending down and baring his teeth. "The other two are my nieces."

"Well I didnt know that!" Rei's eyes widened. "Did you, Poison?"

"N-Not at all Rei!" Poison stammered.

"Craig?" The two looked at the other hyena, who nodded furiously.

Kion roared again.

"Yeah we're gonna shut up now!" Rei and Poison squeaked.

"Dont you ever touch them again." Uncle Kion snarled before letting them up.

"We wont!" The hyenas whipped around and took off as fast as they could. Ono flew in, landing beside Kion.

Nyota and Furaha stood up and started to cheer. After a moment, I joined in.

"That was awesome!" We exclaimed, grinning. However, our smiles fell as Kion turned to face us with a furious look on his face. And we knew we were in huge trouble.

The three of us gulped and ducked down.

Uh oh.

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