Chapter 20-Trouble.

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Nuru's POV.


The almighty Nuru!

Future Queen of the Pridelands!

Daughter of King Kovu and Queen Kiara!

I will rule all!

I wil---

"Oof," I muttered, backing away from the tree i'd just faceplanted into.

Well. Thats what happens when I daydream.

Unfazed, I just shook my head and giggled, swerving around the tree.

"Hey Ru! You wont BELIEVE what just happened!"

I turned to see Nyota bounding up, her eyes wide.

"what?" I asked, stopping.

"There was this huge black lion with red eyes and my Daddy had to chase him off because me and Maneno almost got killed!"


"Yeah!" Nyota gasped out. "Daddy wasnt mad at us but OOOOOHHHH you shoulda seen him with that Koja guy! He was like a totally different person! Even I got kinda scared of him."

"Yikes." I said as I kept walking. "Sounds like you got into trouble."


Both me and Nyota stopped, smiling, and looked up as Furaha swung down right in front of us.


"We're all trouble." Nyota said thoughtfully.

"Sure are!" Furaha giggled.

I smiled, tilting my head.

"Cant justify; Cant plead my case." I sang.
"Cant run and hide; I cant go into outer space.
And yeah, im future Queen.
The Pridelands will be mine,
But that aint gonna help me now,
Noooo!" Suddenly I broke into a run, and the girls laughed and followed.

"Im trouble!
Yeah trouble now!
Im trouble y'all!
I cause trouble all around!
Im trouble!
Yeah trouble now!
Im trouble y'all!
Theres trouble all around!" Nyota and Furaha sang.

"You think your right," I sang.

"But you were wro-o-ong." Furaha sang.

"You tried to take me," Nyota sang. "But I knew all along."

"You cant take me," I sang. "For a ri-i-ide!"

"Im not a fool now!" We sang.
"So ya better run and hide!
Cause im trouble!
Yeah trouble now!
Im trouble y'all!
I cause trouble all around!
Im trouble!
Yeah trouble now!
Im trouble y'all!
Theres trouble all around!"

"When you seeeeee,
Me comiiiing,
Through the laaaands,
Then you knnoooow,
Its time to,
Goooooooooo!" Nyota and Furaha sang, giggling.

"Then you know its time to go cause im trouble!" I sang, leaping up onto a rock. "Yeah trouble now!"

"Im trouble y'all!" Nyota sang.

"I cause trouble all around!" Furaha sang.

"Im trouble!" We sang.
"Yeah trouble now!
Im trouble y'all!
Theres trouble all around!"

"Yo!" I giggled.
"T to the R to the O-Uble!
Rockin' nonstop 'till our voice gets dull!
Take what I want,
When I want,
No holding back!
When I kick your flow im on, up on the track!"

"GO NURU!" The girls cheered.

I grinned, leaping down.

"N to the U to the R to the U!" I sang.
"All of these lands will be mine soon!
Gonna come through like a hurricane!
Tearin' down everything in my waaaay!" I sang, darting off.

"So ya better look out!
Cause im trouble!
Yeah trouble now!
Im trouble y'all!
I cause trouble all around!
Im trouble!
Yeah trouble now!
Im trouble y'all!
Theres trouble all around!" We sang.

"Yeah im trouble!" I sang, skidding to a stop and looking down a hill over the Pridelands.
"Yeah trouble now!
Im trouble y'all!
I cause trouble all around!"

"Im trouble!" Furaha sang, stopping beside me.

"Yeah trouble now!" Nyota sang.

"Im trouble y'all." I sang.

"Theres trouble all around!" We sang, highfiving.

"We're awesome." Nyota giggled.

"Totally." Furaha laughed.

"No," I said, smirking.

"We're trouble."

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