Chapter 7-Best friends.

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Nyota's POV.


"Hey Yota!"

Ears pricked, I looked up to see my best friend, Furaha, swinging tree to tree toward me. I grinned back at her before ducking my head as my mothers tongue rasped over it.

"Hey Rah," I greeted cheerfully as she landed in front of me.

"Bath time? Sympathy!" Furaha said with a slight smirk.

"Uh huh. You wanna laugh." I giggled.

Furaha giggled as well. "Ya got me."

"Hey Rah, Yota!"

"Ru!" Me and Furaha looked up at the same time, grinning.

Nuru was my other best friend. She was born before us, but she's not too much older. But even better then that; She's the future Queen! Exciting, huh? Anyway, she's kinda colorful for a lion, and she has blue eyes that are always sparkling.

As for Furaha, she looked almost exactly like Uncle Bunga, except her fur is golden like Auntie Kila's. Her eyes are a dark blue, almost purple color.

And me, well im pale gray like my Mommy with some spots, because im half hyena. But that doesnt bother me. Plus, I have my Daddy's amber eyes.

And my brother, Maneno, has Daddy's golden fur and a few spots here and there, and has Mommy's purple-ish eye color. He's only a few minutes younger then me but im kinda protective of him.


Nuru bounded up, eyes sparkling like always, tail high in the air. "Hey girls! I just found out about this new place! Wanna check it out?"

"Im kinda in the middle of a bath, Nuru." I said giggling.

"Aaaaand its time for yours." Auntie Kiara, who was beside my Mommy, Jasiri, reached out a paw and pulled Nuru to her.

"Aw man." Nuru groaned.

"Yours as well sweetheart." Kila chided, pulling Furaha to her. I didnt get why, but she usually called Furaha 'sweetheart' or 'dear'. I didnt get it, but eh.

"Dang it." Furaha muttered.

"Heh." I snickered.

Nuru and Furaha looked at me. "Shut up." They said, smiling.

That just made me laugh even more.

"Cubs, huh Kion?" Uncle Bunga was sitting down on a rock just outside of Pride Rock, a little ways away from us. My Daddy, Kion, was stretched out beside him. The two were close, like me and the girls.

"Yep." Kion smiled slightly.

"Remember when you were a cub," Kiara called to him. "And Mom gave you that bath in front of all of us?"

The girls and I exchanged a glance, grinning slightly.

"You dont need to remind me of that." My Daddy pretended to shudder.

Kila raised her head. "I missed out on alot, didnt I?" She asked softly.

I looked at her in confusion. What did she mean by that?

"Not really, sis." Kiara nudged her.

"Alright im clean!" Everybody looked at Nuru as she pulled away from Auntie Kiara, shaking her fur out. "Can we go now?"

"So where are we going?" Furaha asked.

"Better not be any place dumb." I snorted.

Nuru laughed. "No, its really cool."

"So where is this 'really cool' place?" Kiara smiled.

"Oh." Nuru paused for a split second. "....Round the water hole."

"The water hole?" Furaha exclaimed.

"Whats so great about the water hole?" I raised an eyebrow.

Nuru turned to us. "I'll show you when we get there." She hinted.

"Ohhhh." Me and Furaha got it immediately.

I turned to Jasiri. "Mommy?"

"Mom?" Furaha turned to Kila.

"Hmm." They looked at eachother, then over at Kiara. "What do you think?"

The three of us turned to Auntie Kiara. "Pleeeeaaaaasssseeeee?"

Kiara smiled slightly, looking amused. "Its alright with me."

"Yay!" Nuru cheered. "Cmon girls!" She bounded off.

I glanced at Maneno, who was sleeping. He usually went on adventures with us, but I didnt want to wake him right now. "Should we get Maji, Jua, Wingu, Jioni and Taka?"

"Nah." Furaha waved a hand. "They'll be fine. Cmon Yota!" She darted after Nuru.

I shrugged slightly and followed, ready for our next adventure.

"Wait!" Kiara called.

The three of us skidded to a stop.

"As long as Ono goes with you."

"Aw, man!" Me and Furaha exclaimed, looking at eachother in dismay.

"Not Ono," Nuru facepawed.

Mufasa dang it..

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