Chapter 10-Hyenas.

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Nyota's POV.


"Cmon.." Nuru slowly crept down the hill, eyes wide.

Furaha followed without hesitation. She was the more adventurous one--Nuru was the happy-go-lucky.

I was kinda both.

And also very stubborn, which my Mommy said I get from Daddy.

I padded down after them, relaxing.

"Hm. Not so bad." Nuru stood straight and looked around, her gaze resting on the skull. "Whats that?"

"I dont know." I came up beside her and looked at the huge skull curiously.

"Lets check it out." Furaha whispered, walking forward.

"WRONG!" Ono popped up in front of us, and we jumped back.

"Aw, man.." Me and Nuru whispered.

"The only checking you three will be doing is to check out of here!" Ono exclaimed, looking over his shoulder.

"Aw. Banana Beak is scared." Furaha giggled.

"Thats Mr. Banana Beak to you, fuzzy." Ono growled, looking over his shoulder again. "And of course im scared! Who knows what danger--"

"Danger?" Nuru scoffed.

"Ha." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please." Furaha walked past the bird, approaching the skull. "I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger!" stopping directly in front of it, she turned to face us. "Ha, ha, ha, h--"

She was cut off by the sound of laughter from deep withing the huge skull.

"Ah!" Furaha yelped, running over and jumping behind Nuru. I stood beside her with wide eyes as three hyenas came out of the skull.

Ono stiffened.

"Well, well, well..." The female came forward. "What do we have here, Poison?"

"I dont know, Rei." The hyena that must have been Poison replied. "What do you think, Craig?"

The last hyena just burst out laughing.

"Exactly what I was thinking." Poison stalked up to us.

Nuru ducked down and Furaha whimpered, but I just glared at the hyena.

"Trespassers!" Poison snarled as Rei and Craig started to circle around us.

"And just on accident, let me assure you--" Ono stated nervously.

"Oh, wait, I know you.." Rei grinned. "Your the eyes in the sky."

"I," Ono stood straight. "Am the Keenest of Sight."

"And you..." Rei looked at Nuru, who gulped and stood up.

"The future Queen."

"Do you know what we do to Queens who step out of they're Kingdom?" Rei snickered.

"Pfff....You cant do anything to us." I spoke up.

"Actually they can," Ono said. "We are on they're land."

"But my Daddy said," Furaha spoke. "That hyenas are nothing but slobbering, mangy, stupid poachers."

Ono nudged her. "Ix-nay on the oopid-stay..." He mumbled.

"Who're you calling 'oopid-stay'?!" Poison snarled, getting in his face.

Ono jumped startled. "My my my! Look at the sky its time we be leaving!" He said, starting to usher us away.

"Oh, leaving so soon?" Rei stood in front of us. "Cmon...We'd looooove you to stick around for dinner."

Nuru and Furaha shrank back; Even I started to tremble a little.

"Ey whats on the menu boys?" Rei snickered.

Poison chuckled. "I dunno....We can have whatevers....'lion' around!"

I made a face. This guy needed some better jokes.

"Oh I got one I got one!" Rei laughed. "Make mine a cub sandwich! Whattya think?"

"Go, go." Ono whispered, pushing us away. Nuru didnt hesitated to dart off, and me and Furaha followed quickly. We didnt even look back.

But as we ran, I heard the hyenas yell.


"Go. Go. Up." I shoved Nuru and Furaha ahead, heart pounding as they started to climb up a hill with bones, almost slipping. I glanced over my shoulder and jumped up after them.

Maybe this wasnt such a good idea after all.

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