Chapter 5-Calm.

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Bunga's POV.


"I cant believe this is happening..." Kion paced outside of Pride Rock. I leaned back, watching him with slight amusement.

"Calm it, Kai."

"How am I supposed to be calm at a time like this?!" Kion turned to me, eyes wide. "Jasiri's having her cubs now and--!"

"Hey, Kila's in there having cubs too, and you dont see me freaking out." I reminded him. "Just breathe, dude."

Not to mention Vitani and Uzuri are having they're cubs as well..

Kion took a deep breath, closing his eyes. Honestly, seeing him freak out about this....

It was kinda funny, really.

At least Kopa and Nuka.....Well, at least Kopa was keeping his calm. And me, of course.

Nuka was freaking out like Kion.

"Yeah. You need to stay calm." Kovu piped up, chuckling.

Kion muttered something under his breath and continued to pace. I couldnt help but chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?!" Kion exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"Cause your freaking out over nothing, Kai, its going to be fine!"

Kopa chuckled. "Bunga's right. Everything is okay."

"Easy for you to say." Kion mumbled.

"Okay you guys can come in now!" Kiara yelled from inside.

Kion darted in without hesitation, and Nuka quickly followed. Kopa rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

"Well, lets go then." Kopa shook his head and walked inside, and I chuckled one last time before following.

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