We All Need Saving

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"I'd like to thank all of you for coming out and supporting the grand opening of the East Side Recreational Center. This has been a rocky, emotional but successful experience getting this place looking as beautiful as it is. I want to also thank all of our volunteers and the families that helped make this possible. To our sponsors, we couldn't have done it without you all. And last but definitely not least, I'd love to thank my partner, the brains, the one who does all the paperwork and keeps everyone motivated, Dana." LeSane presented his hand out to Dana as she stepped up to the podium.

"Thank you all. I am overjoyed with this big accomplishment. I only dreamed of this actually coming true. I want to give a special thanks to my brother, Avery, and his friends for volunteering their time from the college to be our first mentors of the center. More information on organizations and clubs are inside. I would also like to share a token of appreciation to my best friend LeSane, for bringing my dreams to life. I couldn't have done this without you." LeSane smiled at his best friend. They've been working long and hard for the center to get up and running. It was finally happening. Everything seemed to be falling in place, at least for now.

"Lieutenant. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Is everything alright?"

"We need you back immediately. Things are not going well over in Syria and we need only the best of the best over there to help those people. I need you here by next week, no later than 17:00 Friday." LeSane thought to himself for a moment. It wasn't as if he had a choice. Friday still gave him time to do the grand opening for the recreation center that Wednesday, but he would miss out on a lot of things going on back at home.

"Captain, I will be sure to be there as early as Friday morning."

"I feel as if I hear a little hesitation in your voice, Lieutenant. Talk to me, man to man."

"It's just that, I've picked up a lot of responsibility since I've been back. Although, I'm really angered about what's going on over in Syria, I don't want to be so far from home. But if--"

"Say no more. I completely understand. You won't have to be drafted over, but I need you to train these men and women that will. You'll only be a couple hours away. The closest I can station you to home is North Carolina."

"THANK YOU. I will see you next Friday, Captain."



LeSane watched the numerous kids run and play while parents watched and conversed amongst each other. He wandered into the center where he watched Dana. She was so beautiful, but something seemed off about her over the time. She's seemed to be pushing him away. She was sitting and talking with some parents. He hadn't told her about him having to leave yet. He didn't know how, but he decided that he'd tell her today. LeSane sighed.

"Here we go."


It was constantly happening. It was almost consistent. It was beginning to become a bad habit. She was beginning to become trapped. Her only escape was the center. She worked and kept herself busy to keep from being questioned and breaking down crying. She was good at hiding her emotions but she felt as if she just couldn't anymore. She needed to tell someone. If she didn't, she'd get hurt or worse killed. Dana knew that LeSane sensed when something was wrong, so she tried her best to keep her distance. It's hard to keep your distance from someone you work with.

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