Battle Wounds

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"Girl I'm sure everything is ok. Stop checking your phone. You makin everything seem obvious and sketchy" Tasha grabbed Dana's hand. The four were at they're signature Olive Garden. "I'm sure Avery and the boys are fine."

"They haven't called yet. They should've called by now. We've ate and everything."

"Well let's head back to my place y'all. I don't think we can hold up this table any longer than we have." Alicia and the girls began to grab their purses and head out to her car.

"Girl my feet are killing me, I was NOT looking forward to wearing heels." Nikki exclaimed.

"Yo, something seems off," Dana looked around the parking lot. "Where's that challenger?"

The rest of the girls skimmed around for the tinted windowed car before getting inside Alicia's SUV. "Let's hurry up and get out of here before—"

Incoming call from, Trevor 🥰

"Hello? Trevor wassup babe?"

"Get to St. Joe hospital NOW." The phone hung up right after.

"Shit shit SHIT. Y'all let's go." Dana shook her head in fear. "Please lord not my brother. Please lord not LeSane. Please lord."

"Calm down baby girl. Everything is going to be ok." Tasha rubbed Dana's back while Nikki cooed to her softly. "They're going to be ok love."


Dana bursted through the doors of the ER, "Where's my baby brother?! Where's Avery?! Trevor! Where's A?!"

"I'm here." He came from down the hall along with a doctor. "Sis," he gave her the longest and biggest hug before pulling away, "It's LeSane."

Dana's knees felt weak, "What happened? Avery tell me. What. Happened."

"I wasn't there. He told us to come back and he drove to the house in my car. Trevor and I was at the police station."

"What? So what happened? He went by himself?"

"No, the cops had already been waiting around your house. He pretended to be me in my car. And when they kicked in the door, there was a shootout. He got hit."

"So where's he now?"

"Ma'am. He's lost a lot of blood," the doctor joined. "A bullet hit him right through his side. He's stable, but the bullet is in there pretty deep but not too deep that we can't retrieve it. It seems as if when he chased after the fleeing suspect, the bullet traveled further into his body. We've taken him into surgery but he might need a blood transfusion."

"I'm O positive." Everyone turned around to the entrance of the ER. Pete walked in with three big guys behind him.

"Are you a relative?"

"I'm his father."

Avery got wide eyed, "Yo, this some General Hospital type shit."

"A it's not funny," Dana hit her brother in the chest.

"Alright sir if you would just follow me and can I have the rest of you please wait patiently for us out here. We're going to do everything we can to get this soldier back on his feet."

"Thank you, doc." Avery shook the mans hand before joining the rest of the crew in the waiting area. "You need anything sis?"

Dana gazed down the hall where the doctor took Pete into a room. She wanted to race down to LeSane and hold him. Tell him that everything was ok. She was still in her stance. Then she saw him. That worthless man. Handcuffed and in a wheelchair. Before she knew it she was gliding down the hall, anger in her mind, body and heart. "DANA!"

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