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"Come on now, y'all. We gon be late." Pete called from in front of his truck.

"Look, I'm too big for you to be rushing," came waddling an 8 month pregnant Nicole.

"The ceremony is going to start in less than an hour. Y'all so lucky it's outside." Pete and Daniel helped Nicole into the car. "LeSane, where's Dana?

"I'm here. Babe, you know how to work this damn camera? Ima just take mine on my phone." Dana juggled a digital camera, a disposable camera and her iPhone around.

"Baby, give me all of this," LeSane laughed at how she struggled, "please get in the car woman."

"Trevor and I gon meet y'all there." Alicia called to the others as she got in the passenger seat.

"Who I'm riding with? I been drinkin already. I couldn't wait for the after party." Tasha came out the house with oversized shades on.

"Child, come on here." Alicia motioned.

"Alright let's get a move on!" Pete called as everyone loaded their cars and headed out.


*Commencement Music Plays*

"There he is," Dana spotted Avery walking in line. "Awwwww, look at my pootah butt." LeSane captured pictures as he got closer and passed the group.

"It is a great honor to speak here today," the president of the school began, "for this is the BIGGEST graduating class of IAU, "everyone applauded. "Just to look out at all of these faces, knowing what you've been through to get here," Avery shot a smile over to Daige who was a few rows before him and she smiled back, "I know that you all will do great things in life. You can only go up from here." The president spoke for a moment longer, causing everyone, even parents, to become bored.

"Iight now, wrap it up Dr. Hawkins." Avery whispered to a guy next to him causing the group around him to snicker. Dr. Hawkins gave the area a look before finally calling up the Vice President to call names.

"Here we go," LeSane stepped out to the side where the graduates would step off of the stage, so that he could get good pictures. Dana recorded off of her phone.

"Graduating from our biology department with a biology degree, Ashely Achenbrah... Tomas Akins... Tony Akins... Jeffrey Boikins..."

The names continued until, "La'Daiga Robinson." Dana and the rest of the crew cheered loud as hell along with Daige's father and their family across the crowd. The names continued being called.

"Graduating from our Fashion Design department with a Fashion and Business design degree, Kara Assling..." Avery choked trying to hold in his laughter. No wonder the hoe so bitter. With a name like Assling, I'd hate everyone too. The names continued and then, "Avery L. Johnson."

Both Avery's and Daige's family stood up and screamed as before. Pete and Trevor blew blow horns. "Where the hell did they get those?" Tasha questioned and Alicia shrugged and laughed it off. LeSane caught a picture of Avery grabbing his degree and shaking hands with everyone on stage. "Iight bro. One for the team," he shouted and when Avery got off stage he hit a backflip, landed on his knee and posed with one arm up and the other flexed. "These fools some clowns." Dana laughed.

After the ceremony, everyone took more pictures. Daige's family merged with Avery's and they all took a group photo. "You all still comin over for the party right?" Pete asked Daige's father. "Of course. Besides," he said while bringing Avery into his side, "I'd like to get to know this young man a lil bit more." Avery turned red and smiled nervously.


Dana stood back observing everyone mingle. So much has happened over the past two years. Our youth center is rising, and my books are top sellers. My baby brother has gotten his degree. Nicole has started a family with her now husband. Alicia and Trevor are finally tying the knot. Avery and Daige are blossoming into something beautiful. LeSane and Pete have gotten closure about being father and son. And my testimony, whew child my testimony. That son of a gun Bishop died not long after he was in prison. Something about some rival gang or people he'd owed got to him or something Pete said. Either way, he got what was comin. As for LeSane and I, we're living our best life. I've never glowed as much as I am now. He's my best friend, my lover. My provider and protector. God sent me him when I lost my parents and I should've known that he was my blessing sooner than I had. Mm. But now I have a secret that I am eager to tell...

"Alright everyone I'd like to make a toast, to new beginnings. New families, new engagements, new boyfriends," LeSane shot a look at Tasha drunk self. "I got a man nigga." She rolled her eyes. "His name is Jeeeesus!" She sang. LeSane shook his head, "To God for bringing us here. Congratulations to the graduates. We are so proud of you two." Everyone clapped. "Anyone else would like to speak before we all go back to cuttin a rug?"

"Actually, um, I have something I want to say... I've been keeping this in for a while now. I better tell it now before–" Dana cleared her throat. Spill the beans girl. She took a deep breath. "I'M PREGNANT" she quickly covered her mouth.

"You what?!" Avery stood up. Dana nodded and looked at LeSane who had his mouth wide open.

"I'm four months pregnant."

"And not even showin!" Nicole exclaimed. "I knew it bitch. Asking me all these questions. And every time you around the baby just be kickinnnnn." Nicole laughed and so did the others. They congratulated her. LeSane's open mouth grew into a massive smile. He scooped her up and began kissing her. "I love you."

"I'm so glad you chose me baby."

"You make me so happy."


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