One egg hatched another egg found!

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So far: The gang is traveling to Saffron but soon realize they have to take a ship to the other city. Slowly but surely they make their way through the grasslands to the dock.

"I can't believe we just can't go to Porta Vista," I whined dragging my feet.

"Cheer up Angel eyes!" Akiro poked me.

"I just want a break" Hiro murmured.

"And I want some food," I said. Eevee was dragging himself along on my pant leg. I was afraid he was going to bite a hole through my pants but I could buy new ones. "How much longer?"

"Maybe 20 minutes" Hiro checked his watch. "If any of us had a car we could drive."

"But we couldn't catch any Pokemon" Akiro replied.

"Or hatched" Hiro said almost silently.

"Hatched?" I stopped walking.

"Akiro, get a Pokeball" Hiro rushed to Akiros back and grabbed the Mudkip egg.

"It's hatching?!" I squeaked. I had to record how the Mudkip looked, and Hiro had to record how it hatched.

"Kiyo shouldn't you be doing this?" Hiro held the shaking egg.

"Oh yeah." I rushed to put down a small blanket on the ground for Mudkip to hatch on. I had never seen a Pokemon hatch before. "I hope they are healthy."

"Vee" Eevees black eyes widened.

"Oh, I should let everyone out" I quickly let Pearl and Torchy out.

"Watch" I lifted Torchic into my lap. Pearl sat right beside Eevee and me. Right before our eyes, the egg disappeared and was replaced with a bright light. Slowly the bright light morphed into a Mudkip who was smaller than Natu.

"Mudkip." The Mudkip smiled.

"Welcome to the world!" I cheered.

"He's so small like, almost, microscopic." Hiro exaggerated.

"Another baby in the group" Akiro smiled.

"Mudkip Mudkip" Mudkip squealed as Eevee sniffed him.

"Ve ve?" Eevee spoke to Mudkip.

"Mudkip Mud" Mudkip seemed to bow his fin to Eevee.

"Ve." Eevee shook his tail with Mudkips fin.

"Eevee" I shook my head smiling. "Always the first one to present themselves."

"Kip" Akiro stood up with a Pokeball. "I want you to go back into your ball."

"This won't end well" Hiro smirked writing stuff down on his notepad.

"Mudkip" Kip dodged Akiros Pokeball.

"Kip please" Akiro started to get upset. Kip kept avoiding the Pokeball laser.

"Kip thinks you're playing," Hiro said.

"He's just a baby" I patted Torchy on the head. "He's very healthy and very active."

"Torchic" Torchy hummed.

"Akiro, if you could get Ditto out-" I tried to say.

"On it" Akiro grabbed his Pokeball and out came Ditto. He also let Cubone and Cyndaquil out. "Ditto, copy Kip for me."

"Ditto" Ditto complied and switched into a version of a Kip but slightly larger.

"I want to see if I examine Ditto if they look the same as Kip." I put my hand on Dittos tiny head. I checked the fin, eyes, legs and back.

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