Who Evolved?

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SO FAR: The gang is back on their feet and make their way to Fuchsia City to get Akiro his soul badge. Kiyo, on the other hand, has a mission from Nurse Joy to take care of two Pokemon that are fresh out of surgery.

"Is this place closed?" Hiro looked up to the enormous green doors that covered the actual gym.

"No way, they can't be closed." Akiro knocked on the door.

"Whos the leader here?" I asked.

"Her name is Janine," Hiro said. "Her dad used to run this gym with traps and random things before the trainer could battle him."

"She's much more laidback than him," Akiro added.

"What's her Pokemon type?" I asked.

"Poison." Hiro playfully poked my arm with two fingers like fangs.

"Ve ve." Eevee growled at Hiro.

"Give it a rest," Hiro growled back. The two of them bickered until I had to pick up Eevee from trying to attack Hiro. We were going to leave until the doors actually opened.

"Hello!" A girl behind the door said.

"Janine?" Akiro said.

"That's me." Janine smiled. She had purple eyes and purple spiked hair. She was wearing a black jumpsuit with a pink cape, but what really stood out was she wasn't wearing any shoes.

"I'm Akiro Oak and I-" Akiro introduced himself.

"I know you; I got a message you were coming by here," Janine said.

"Are you ready to battle?" Akiro asked.

"I'm always ready, but right now, I'm a little tied up in getting all the Voltorbs not to attack." Janine sighed.

"Voltorbs," I said.

"The ones that only self-destruct?" Hiro crossed his arms purposely making his muscles flex. "I think we can take care of them."

"I'm not getting near those things," I said. "I have to be at the Pokemon Center anyways."

"So soon?" Janine looked at me.

"Voltorbs are the only Pokemon I cannot deal with." I started to back away. "They scare me."

"Voltorbs?" Hiro scoffed. I didn't respond and just gave them a quick wave before I dashed off to the Pokemon Center where I knew Voltorbs would not be at.


The center looked like every center I had been to. Nurse Joy greeted Eevee, and I before showing us to the post-surgery room. Four Blisseys surrounded both beds where the Pokemon were laying down.

"Kiyo is here now." Nurse Joy said to the Blisseys.

"Blissey?" One of them said.

"She can take care of them." Nurse Joy comforted them.

"What type of Pokemon?" I asked.

"Well I heard you like Fire-Types so-" Nurse Joy went to the first bed. The Blisseys surrounded her. "Here's Flareon and Tepig."

"Wow Eevee look, you could evolve into Flareon." I smiled looking at the sleeping Flareron.

"Ve ve." Eevee turned away from me.

"Maybe not." I laughed.

Nurse Joy showed me the two Pokemon's charts, and when they woke up, I was going to write down what I noticed. She left, and it was just Eevee and me looking after two injured Pokemon.

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