Merry Jynxmass!

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This will not take place at the current time of the story. This is a Christmas special.

"Hey!" My cousin's voice rang out. "Hey wake up!"

"Give me more time-" I grumbled putting the covers over my head.

"No way! We need to open presents!" Viola shook me again.

"Viola, open them without me." I snapped at her.

"Auntie said she needed you to come with; your boyfriends are here." Viola giggled.

"My what?" I shot up.

"Boyfriends you know," Viola giggled again. Her sweet voice made my mornings a bit smoother. "The boys you're always with?"

"Why are they here?" I rubbed my eyes. I put my feet over the edge of the bed and picked up Viola putting her in my lap.

"They just wanted to say hello; auntie got them gifts too!" Viola squealed with joy.

"Of course she did." I sighed.

"They have been waiting for awhile." Viola tugged a piece of my hair. "Your Pokemon are getting too tired, like me."

"Like you?" I raised my eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I'm getting tired of waiting!" Viola pouted. "I want my gifts!"

"And gifts you shall get." I gave a tired smile. Viola jumped off of my lap and opened the door for me. I walked into the kitchen in a daze.

"Good morning sleepy head." Violas mom, my aunt Vence said.

"Good morning everyone" I yawned.

"Ve ve ve!" Eevee squeaked jumping up and down at my feet.

"Merry Christmas." I smiled at him.

"We've been waiting for hours on end," Hiro complained.

"Quit it, Hiro, we've been here for 20 minutes." Akiro shushed him.

"20 minutes that have been wasted by me waiting." Hiro rolled his eyes. I glanced at him, and he winked at me.

"Shouldn't you be with your family?" I asked them both.

"Kiyo, it's 2 pm." Akiro gave a sad laugh. "You have been sleeping forever."

"No one is celebrating this late besides us." My mom said.

"Why did no one wake me up?" I asked.

"Well." Hiro smiled. "We all know what happens when you get woken up."

"I don't turn into some kind of monster," I said. Jynx came over and handed me a cup of hot chocolate. I gave her a small bow to thank her.

"Jynx Jynx" Jynx patted my head smiling.

"Why do old people sleep so long mommy?" Viola turned to her mother. Everyone in the room laughed but me.

"Kiyos not so old you know, she's a busy girl." Aunt Vence picked Viola up. "Your young mind is always active."

"I'm not young; I'm six!" Viola exclaimed. "I'm just not old."

"Viola has talked about you nonstop." Akiro pulled out a chair so I could sit down.

"I'm her only cousin so far," I said.

"So far?" Hiro raised his eyebrow. "Doesn't Brocks siblings have kids?"

"Dude, Vence is part of Kiyos moms side." Akiro shook his head.

"Oh yeah," Hiro said coming to his senses. "Completely forgot about that."

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