The Ketchum Movie

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So far: It has been a month since the group started to travel from Celadon City. They have taken many breaks and finally decided to stop in one place, Hollywood.

"Why didn't you ever tell us you're a movie star!" Hiro exclaimed as he looked out the car window.

"It's not something you actually tell people." Akiro rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes you do, you should've told everyone." Hiro was in wonder.

"It's sweet of your director to invite us," I smirked. "We will get to see you on the big screen."

"Ve ve" Eevee had his mouth wide open.

"My dad's the real star; everyone loves to see him," Akiro said.

"Well yeah, he's kinda a Pokemon Master." I laughed.

"He's the main character in this movie; I just play his son." Akiro watched Cubone continually hit his car seat.

"Was it really that necessary to put Cubone in a car seat?" Hiro faced us.

"If he weren't in one he would've killed us all." Akiro sighed. "He hates small places."


We soon made it to the heart of the city. It was completely packed with people and Pokemon. Akiro said when his dad came here when he was young, the place was quiet and broken down. Now it was a bundle of noises. We kept walking around trying to find the movie theater until a huge poster caught our eyes.

"No way." Akiros jaw dropped. On the poster was a picture of Akiro in a blue uniform with Cubone. In front of him was a man with a shadow across his face.

"Is that Ash?" Hiro put his finger on the poster.

"Yes." Akiro looked embarrassed. "They cast that shadow over his face, so no one knew it was him."

"Cubone bone." Cubone copied Akiro.

"At least no one knows you're here." I shrugged.

"IS THAT AKIRO KETCHUM!?" A voice screamed out and just like in the movies, a group of screaming teenage girls charged at us.

"Come on!" Akiro grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him. Hiro, on the contrary, was trying to settle the girls down. Hiro was a pretty tall guy, so he towered over most of the girls.

"You can have his autograph later, but do you want mine?" Hiro joked. Akiro rolled his eyes and ran until we hit a dead end of an alley.

"You can let go" Akiro smiled at me.

"Oh, sorry" I quickly took my hand out of his. A rush of excitement fell over me. Out of all the chaos, I completely didn't realize what just happened.

"Can-" Hiro ran up to us panting. "Can this happen-"

"No," I said sternly. "This can't happen every day."

"This would be the life!" Hiro grabbed one of his Pokeballs.

"Yeah, look at Eevee," I said. Eevee was sitting up against the wall panting and shaking. "He's scared to death."

"Cubone Cubone" Cubone went over to Eevees side.

"And look at Bonsly," Akiro said as Hiro let Bonsly out. Bonsly looked up at us confused and started to cry.

"Baby Bonsly, you weren't even outside." Hiro picked him up. Bonsly screamed louder.

"Agh!" Akiro yelled.

"Calm down everyone." I took a deep breath.

" ve!" Eevee wailed.

"I can't believe getting chased is making them so upset." I let out a deep sigh.

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