Cubones Bone

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SO FAR: Akiro got his first victory with Deja. Kiyo and Hiro sit on the sidelines tending to the injured Pokemon.

"It's hot out so remember to drink a lot of water." I wrapped a bandage around the Slowpokes' leg.

"Slowpoke." The Slowpoke thanked me and ran off to his trainer.

"You shouldn't be so rough," Hiro said to Akiro.

"It's not me, blame Cubone," Akiro grunted as he retied his shoes.

"Cubone is being trained by you." Hiro rolled his eyes.

"Yeah?" Akiro made his back straight.

"You should tell him not to try and end the other Pokemon." Hiro looked at me for advice.

"Akiro," I said sweetly. "Cubone should win but not this way."

"He doesn't know any better," Hiro added.

"Fine," Akiro said.

Akiro had already lost two of his battles. If he lost one more, he would be out of the competition. There were only four more trainers left, and none of us knew who Akiro would battle.

"You've got a scratch on your forehead." I moved Akiros hair away from his face.

"How did you know?" Akiro asked.

"A nurse knows everything," Hiro said.

"No, it's bleeding a bit and running down your face." I grabbed a napkin.

"I couldn't tell." Akiro glanced down at our feet.

"Ve ve ve." Eevee said.

"Eevee says you need to calm down." I translated to Akiro.

"Tell Eevee that he can battle and see if he's calm after." Akiro glared at Eevee.

"You're stressing yourself out." I gently pressed on the scratch.

"This is a big deal for me." Akiro didn't even flinch.

"I know, but most of the Pokemon that are injured are from you or that other guy." I put a bandage on his forehead.

"The other guy is named Marcos," Hiro said to me.

"Marcos" I mumbled.

"He's, and his Pokemon don't stop when he tells them to." Hiro squirmed in his seat.

"I'll get some ice ready." I glided my finger over Akiros bandage.

"No need, I'm gonna win this thing." Akiro grabbed my hand.

"How?" Hiro asked.

"With Kiyos support and yours." Akiro put my hand on his cheek.

"You'll be great." I tenderly brushed Akiros face.

"You're still great even if you don't win, just not as great." Hiro smiled.

"Just be careful," I whispered to Akiro.

"I will," Akiro whispered back to me making my heart flutter.


"It's a desert field." Hiro sniffed the air.

"If you keep doing that, dust will get in your nose," I said.

"I do not smell it like that." Hiro groaned.

"Yeah, then why is baby Bonsly have his face in the sand?" I nodded in the direction of Bonsly, who was face first into a pile of sand.

"Bonsly!" Hiro picked up his favorite baby.

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