Beachy Blues (Part 2)

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SO FAR: The gang have been nursing the Horseas back to health while trying to find out what Team Rocket had to do with this mess

"Jamie and Jack have to be the ones up to this," I said for the 100th time in the past two days.

I remembered when we first met them; they wanted to take the babies back and train them to be super powerful for their use only. They probably forgot they left the Horsea there.

"Why Horsea though?" Akiro asked.

"Well when they all evolve, they could be handy in the water," Hiro answered.

"Do they have nothing better to do?" Akiro seemed angry.

"No," I said looking at the water of Horseas. They were all getting a bit larger except the dad. The only girl was on the other side of their new makeshift ocean which was just a huge pool outside. She was adorable and loved interacting with our Pokemon.

"You are a great training nurse though." Hiro complimented me out of nowhere.

"Well, you got me the research to get the right medicine." I smiled at him.

Everything was so calm here. I felt happy that we could finally have a small rest. Akiro was getting antsy though. He wanted to leave so he could get his badges. We told him he could go ahead, but he stayed for some reason.

Akiro and I would go for walks together on the beach sometimes when Hiro was sleeping. We left our Pokemon in our room, and it was just us two. Akiro would tell me stories, and I would listen and laugh even if I didn't find the story funny. It was nice spending some time alone.

"Oh, it's a full moon tonight," I said pointing to the moon.

"Hm, maybe that's why Cubone was acting strangely," Akiro said.

"Yeah, I don't even think Torchy is asleep right now," I said trying to remember.

We walked in silence for a while and then I felt my hand being brushed by Akiros finger. I gave him a sarcastic look, and he just smiled. He slipped his hand into mine, and we started to talk again.

"You know how I feel about you, right Kiyo?" Akiro asked.

"Eh," I said. "I guess."

The truth was, I didn't. This had never happened to me before, and I was unsure about what it exactly meant. I knew he had feelings for me, but I was too nervous to ask about it.

"D-do you feel the same?" Akiro stuttered. A small breeze blew past us.

"I-" I began to say, but Akiro had already grabbed my face and kissed me.

"I'll wait if you aren't sure." Akiro smiled.

"This is really new to me, and I don't exactly-" I began to try and explain myself.

"Angel Eyes, I'll wait for you," Akiro said. "Even after what Hiro said."

"You can't wait forever." I smiled remembering when Akiro took me on a date, and I said to Hiro that Akiro could wait forever.

"That's what Hiro told me." Akiro squeezed my hand. "He's wrong."

"Wait, what?" I said confused. "What did Hiro say?"


"Oh, is Kiyo not here?" Hiro asks walking into their temporary apartment room.

"I'm here!" Kiyo yells from the bathroom. To Hiro, Kiyo speaks so sweetly, and her voice sounds like a baby.

"She's going back to the Pokemon Center," Akiro says from the couch.

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