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Everyone has someone they look up to. Little kids look up to a superhero or someone who seems magical. I looked up to Ash Ketchum during my school days. I dreamed of being a master just like he was, but I never imagined I would ever meet him. Now, he's right in front of my very eyes, and his son is right next to me, shaking while he searched for something to hold onto.

"Cubone bone?" Cubone kicked Akiros foot lightly. I grabbed onto Akiros hand and held it tightly till he would stop shaking.

"Why are you acting so funny?" Hiro injected himself between Cubone and Akiro.

"You're okay." I rubbed circles with my thumb onto his hand.

"I-I'm just shocked." Akiro managed to say. "I haven't seen my dad in awhile, and now there are so many people here with me to see him."

"Tonight is an exceptional showing," Ash shouted. "Isn't that right Pikachu?"

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu cheered making the crowd cheer.

"They know how to make a crowd go crazy." Rossana smiled.

"I want to give extraordinary thanks to my love, Misty." Ash looked to the side of the stage. Out came a very pregnant Misty. She looked beautiful in her shiny blue dress. The two hugged on stage.

"When the movie starts, we are going to go backstage," Akiro whispered to me.

"Why?" I gave him a look.

"I want to talk to my parents," Akiro stated.

"What about Hiro and Rossana?" I asked.

"They will be alright." Akiro glanced at Hiro and Rossana laughing together. "They won't notice we left."

"D-do I need to go?" My throat suddenly felt dry.

"I want you to meet them." Akiro gave me a sweet side smile. He must've known it drove me crazy all the time cause he constantly does it.

"I hope I don't make a wrong impression." I cringed at my thoughts. I let go of Akiros hand and bent down to Eevee's level.

"Ve?" Eevee looked up to me.

"Want to come with me to meet A-" I started to say until Eevee threw himself into my arms. "I'll take that as a yes."


The back of the stage was a mad house. Stage crew ran all over, tripping over wires, trying to fix lights and the sound board. I held onto Eevee super tight just in case someone tried to bump into me. Akiro looked more excited than anxious like he was before.

"Mom!" He yelled before being shushed.

"Akiro, there's a movie playing." I breathed. "Your film I might add."

"I don't care." He grunted pushing past people.

"Ve ve?" Eevee pointed his nose to me.

"He's very excited," I said slowly getting out of reach from Akiro.

"Dad?!" Akiro roared. I had finally caught up to him when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Ve?" Eevee gasped.

"Holy Jynx" I gasped as well seeing Misty Ketchum 7 inches away from me.

"Kiyo?" Misty examined my face closely. She grabbed my chin and then started smiling.

"Hi?" I gave a very nervous smile. Misty then pulled me into a hug squeezing Eevee.

"," Eevee said as he was being smushed.

Journey to Mastery! (Pokemon FanFiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora