Three Hearts Separated

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SO FAR: Kiyo and Team Rockets Jack were having it out on the top of the cliff causing Kiyo to be dropped over the edge. Akiro and Hiro are nowhere to be seen.

Being scared of the water had its advantages. I never put myself into risky dilemmas in the water, and I could always be dry. Now my fear of the water was used against me.

I don't remember hitting the water. I don't know anything but the swift air pushing past my hair. I don't remember getting pulled out of the water, being brought to the hospital and then waking up feeling completely healthy.

"You almost drowned," Hiro said to me.

"I know." I groaned.

I made a terrible decision that I thought would be best for all of us. I decided to travel back home by myself. Hiro and Akiro were heartbroken by my choice. They said when Akiro got his last badge, they would come back and see me so we could all go to the Pokemon League. We weren't going to be apart for long because the Pokemon League was the next month.

"I miss them as well." I patted Eevees head while we sat in my mothers garden.

"Ve ve ve." Eevee said sadly.

"They will be back in the next two weeks, they promised." I tried to cheer Eevee up.

Going back to Pallet Town was very lonely. Nurse Joy asked me to come and help around the Pokemon Center which I gladly accepted. I spent most of my time in the nursery and helping Pokemon recover from surgery. When I got home, I usually went straight to sleep. The boys and I talked about once a week, and it was typically quick conversations because they didn't want to linger around for long.

Jynx continued to treat me like a baby for my mother's sake. Mom had gotten a job as a part-time lawyer for Pokemon trainers, so she didn't spend a lot of time at home anymore. On my days off, I went to Uncle Brocks place, and we hung out at his gym mostly.

"What's wrong my dear?" Uncle Brock asked me.

"It's strange without them." I glanced at the dirt floor which was making all my Pokemon dirty.

"They will be back soon; I talked to Ash." Uncle Brock said.

"I wonder if they miss me as much as I miss them," I whispered to myself.

"With the way Akiro talks about you, I'm surprised he hasn't come back running yet." Uncle Brock smirked.

"Gross." I cringed.

"Ah, young love at it's finest." Uncle Brock teased.

"You're so funny." I rolled my eyes.

"It's what I do." Uncle Brock laughed.

"It's not the same though," I admitted. "It's weird to laugh without them here."

"Because you three have a special bond that not many friends get to experience." Uncle Brock said.

"Like Ash and Misty to you?" I asked.

"We have an unbreakable bond like no other, but your connection with Akiro and Hiro is different." Uncle Brock explained.

"Maybe," I said.

"See, we have a bond that has been built over time, and whenever Ash and Misty leave after they visit me, I don't get despondent because I'll see them again." Uncle Brock said.

"I know they are coming back soon I'm just not used to them being gone." I breathed.

"Your hearts are connected now." Uncle Brock looked over at Deja and Geodude who were pilling up dirt into tiny hills.

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