Smut 3: Two Beasts in the Bed

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3rd Person POV

In Masky's room, you were still hidden and was accompanied by Masky most of the time, although he would leave you when he needs to do something, he locks you inside that room.

You didn't even know a bit about him. But you noticed that he was very clean and organized than an average man, you don't even know how old is he but you just kind of observed it.

You're peaking outside the window, this place is clearly in the middle of a fucking endless forest and you can't even see a mile away because of this damn thick fog.

It has been 3 days since you escaped that hell hole. Damn, you even thought that staying here for as long as possible is the right thing to do. You knew that it wasn't so you were still thinking, how you could possibly get out of this mansion alive.

Masky has been warning you that when you step outside that door, it would be the end of your sanity. You know to yourself, you are frightened of what may happen to you when you try.

You stood from your position and went to the bathroom, it smells good as well. This guy is freaking strange to you, it feels like he's doing somethinf wrong, something bad. And you know he doesn't want you to find out.

You looked at the mirror, there's a shave in the sink. You grabbed it, "Is he an old man?" you thought. You placed it back with your head turned down, you turned around and screamed.

There was a knife on the floor. It was tiny and shiny, and it scared you. You had a phobia from knives ever since a knife touch you on the side, when you were in the tub.

... the last time you saw that psycho

You were paranoid. Your hands were shaking and you can't control your breathing, you slowly sat on the ground. You kicked the knife away and it hit the tiled wall, made a sound quite loud and it made you flinch.

You cried, you once again had a flashback of what happened to your life which started 2 weeks ago. You don't even know if you've already awoken from your nightmare, you just...

Continued to live (But just 3 days ago, she already want to be killed roight!?)

Your sobs were clearly heard through out the room.

Toby's POV

This has been a long afternoon for me, had to kill a whole camp and hide their corpses somewhere...

I walk up the stairs, I can smell myself. Damn thick blood was all over me, it sucks that I only have one pair of this hoodie that I had to wash it each time I get it all bloody.

I also wonder how the washing machine gets the stain and smell off, freaking science... (or is it magic? XD I dunno...) I walked slouching, damn I want to go to bed already.

I sighed, I know I still need to wash these clothes, clean my axe and what you call hatchet, and take a nice shower. I can feel the blood getting dry, and it stinks.

I passed Hoodie's door and soon I'll pass Masky's. Ugh, why did I even had the last room!? It is so annoying that I have to walk much more farther than the others.

As I walk pass Masky's door, I heard a noise. I am starting to get distracted, Masky doesn't make any noise. As in never. He do not like any mess that he does his job stealthy. But for the pass few days, there has been quite noticable diferrence.

I should not care of him, he has nothing to do with my bussiness. But it is really weird, and he is also acting strange.

What is happening to him? I shrugged that thought off and realized that I was standing right infront of his door. Tempted, I was about to touch the knob before I knew it. I quickly pulled my hand away and thought of my actions.

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