Part 13: Destruction

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"You motherfucker."

Not a second later, Toby grabs Masky by the back of his collars and suddenly puts him on the ground. Timothy, in the state of unawareness, was shocked yet he managed to block the anguish driven man's punch. But a single blow turned to several then to a storm of fists coming from Tobias whose attention is exclusively focused on the goal to destroy his fellow proxy.

(On my opinion, take note - "my opinion", Tobias is so freaking sexy. Some believes that Toby is his right and original name, but I want to conclude that it's just his nickname, that Tobias is his real name, because I'm going to be doing a minor part of the plot relating to the names that he's been called. So don't hate, stay tuned 😎😅😉)

You were speechless, and clueless of what you should do. You covered your ears to pretend that all these frustration is not affect you, until you heard a desperate voice say "Go!" - and that's when you knew; you had to run. You quickly got up from the bed and rushed out the room with those teary yet furious eyes following your steps. You went down the stairs as fast a you can, in search an exit to this house you've never explored.

You heart was in a battle between keeping the pumping and fainting but the moment came and the window is the only way. So you ran, to reach the light outside - like it's your only chance to survive. With all desperation you climbed off the porch and didn't hesitate to enter the forest.

The branches of the trees were hitting your bare legs and face, but you kept running. There is absolutely no reason to turn back. Tears were streaming freely from your eyes, it would be foolish to hide the heaviness inside your chest. You look up into the sky and it's blank, even the sky has no interest of showing you even a tiny smear of hope, not a single cloud to say that everything is normal.

You finally gave up on your knees, clenching your fist like it's going to escape you if you don't. All these happening, these confusions - you said in your head...

I am so fed up!

"I am so fed up!!" You screamed from the top of your lungs, and nothing happened. No birds flew, no insect crawled on you, nothing went new, the sky was still blue without any other hue -

You don't know what to do. You're stuck in this thick forest and Toby is probably hunting you right now, you cry at the thought of a stinging hand mark that is about to be put on your face once again. "He's gonna kill me" your voice cracking.

You whimper, you want get out of this situation yet you cannot do anything! You asked yourself several questions that up until now, you've never gotten to answer.





Your eyes flew up, that heart beat, for two seconds, took a break. A tear excaped your eyes once again, truly, you've accepted this as your end. He's here, he found you, he'll kill you.

From behind, he spoke again.

"When will you l-learn"

Your whole body was trembling in fear, then suddenly


Hahahah! 😈 My dear readers, I'm sorry. It's 12:19, and I am damn too tired to keep writing. So this will serve as a free taste of what's to come. I hope you got thrilled.

By the way...

LONG TIME NO UPDATE MY COMPADRES! Let's see, it has almost been a year since le last one.

So it's officially unofficial, I will continue writing now. But only when the trigger kick through, so it won't be consistent.

But I thank you guys for keeping on re-reading and commenting, I'm really happy when I make you feel happiness or even sadness through this story - 'cuz it means that this story is not at all worthless. So thank you.

See you again, when the trigger kicks through...
- Lytone

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