Part 10: Fear

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Toby's POV

I rushed to carry her back to lay her on the bed, then quickly went to take my blue hoodie and wore it as fast as possible. I don't know what happened to her, all I know is I have to take her to the hospital. But by doing so, I'm going to risk my own life; I need to keep my head bowed down again or someone might notice my features, and I surely can't let that happen.

I went back to my closet to look for an under garment for her but all I found is my briefs and my shorts which probably will just hang loose on her, I just grabbed the brief and put it onto her. After that, I carried her on my shoulder and ran downstairs lucky to find no one there so I made my way out and ran to the door.

I managed to open it and I bust out as fast as I can, I'm literally running through the forest with a girl on my shoulder.

Commercial Break!

I mean really like... I couldn't even lift a sack of rice on my shoulder, we have to stop for a moment to realize how hard he was trying to keep (Y/N) alive y'all... don't neglect that effort! 😌😌😌

Damn, it's been really long since I last did a freaking commercial here so please don't mind me and move on forward 😂😂😂

End of Commercial!

I made my way out of the woods and looked around to familiarize the location, luckily the hospital is just a block away so I ran. People were staring and I noticed that I forgot my mask, I didn't care anymore. I'm worried and panicked at the same time and the pressure is so frustrating, I just want her to be okay.

We arrived the hospital and they asked me what her age is, and I got frustrated even more. I stuttered to say 18, well she was living on her own when I first met her so I just thought so. They took her from me and I didn't hesitate to give her to them, and I also noticed that they didn't give a care that she was on my shoulder which was a pretty bad thing to do to a girl.

I just sat on the waiting area, shaking as fuck. My mind can't think straight and my body wasn't calming down, I couldn't even control my breathing. But I just say there, hoping that she would be fine. I don't want to lose her.

She's been such a big piece in my heart eversince she responded to my kiss to her for the first time, I won't let myself be lost and miserable so bad that I couldn't be able to control myself.

I managed to take a deep breath and slow let it out, and it calmed my body for a bit. But my chest just hurts so much, I feel like it's crushed.

This pain...

This beast, this side of me, it all started eversince Lyra died. She left a huge hole in my heart, and the following days got even worst that it came to the point that I didn't have a heart anymore. It's just too much pain, and anger ate the good out of me. I went entirely insane.

Voices kept swirling around me and I tried and tried to stop them from infuelcing me, but I just can't.

I got tired of containing this demon inside me, at the same time... I don't want to let go of this last drop of hope that I had, though I pray and pray and beg that they would stop...

They didn't

I couldn't resist it anymore. I was too weak to hold on to that hope, I gave up because I was done being a slave.

They healed me, the voices. They gave me another reason to live, to kill. They took all the pain away, and threw away my anger. They gave me a heart again, a passion for blood.

But when I met (Y/N), things have changed. I only got 2 families killed on that week, and I have never done that before. I spent more time thinking about her than to plan for my next killing spree, I just can't get her out of my mind! But at the same time, I started to remember my past again. I started to remember... me.

And I didn't want to sleep because each time that I go to sleep, I get the same dream all over and over again.


She's standing beside a beautiful tree on top of a hill, the grass sways with her hair as the air passes gently through them. She looked so content, happy. Until she saw me.


She calls out to me from afar, her hand lend out signalling me to come. So I walked, I walked towards her. And the second that she gets a clear sight of me, her expression turned into terrified.

I don't understand. "Wh-what? No, stay away! Who are you!?" She exclaimed with a smear of suspense in her voice, why is she acting like that? What's wrong with her? My mind was full of unanswered questions until I realized.

What's wrong with me...

She kept staring at me with disgust, she looked like she's gonna die if I touch her. I looked down to my hands and saw nothing else but blood, my clothes are soaked too. This blood, were from my hundreds of victims. And she now do not even know me anymore because of what a monster I've become, she's afraid of me.

Every night, I keep dreaming about the same thing over and over again! And it's wrecking me inside.

Lyra, I miss her so much. I couldn't help but cry right after I wake up, it's so painful. You the feeling when you can already see the treasure, but you're cursed not to touch it? That is just one heck of a nightmare, she's already right there infront of me but I can't even hug because... she hates me now.

I clunched my fists as hard as I can while I sit there, crying, trying to clear my thoughts just to think straight. After a few minutes I finally remembered why I was here, (Y/N)'s passed out and I need to make sure that there's nothing bad that happened to her. I just hope that there isn't.

Suddenly a nurse approached me and told me to come with her so I stood up and towered her figure but she didn't give a care so she just lend me to a room where (Y/N) was lying on a bed with an oxygen tank beside her. Atleast she doesn't look like a dead body anymore...

(It's 12:32 am... my alarm is 5:30, I'll have an exact time of 4 hour  and 58 mins if I sleep now but you guys are lucky cuz I won't 😉😉😉)

I sat down beside her, she's sleeping peacefully while a straw-like thing is plugged inside her nostrils. I think it gives her oxygen, I was still wandering of what happened to her. Soon the nurse came back and walked towards me so I stood up again to try and look not too suspicious or else I'll end up killing this girl if she notices anything.

"Are you her boyfriend?" She asked in a blank tone, like she's just too uninterested to even talk to me like she was just fprced to do so. "Uh... y-yeah" I answered even though I don't even know how to label our relationship.

"She's pregnant"

Holy Shituu WHAAAATTT!?

Yep, we are pregnant guys... ugh! Damn, do you guys really want to get pregnant in this story? Cuz I can still make an alternative scenario... please comment if you want to or not but as for me, I vote for the babies.

Yes! I said BABIES not baby, you guys are gonna have a ----

Uh... I forgot to alert, SPOILER ALERT...


hehehe, IKR... that is one heck of a vagina we got here... anyways...

Thanks again for the 4K reads guys, we almost gonna hit 5K! Please comment also, what should we do for the 5K celebration guys?

Thanks! That's all, Vote, Comment and Follow really helps alot.

Baii! - Lytone

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