Part 6: Surrender

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(Y/N)'s POV

I am just staring on the ceiling right now, my mind is blank. I feel like I'm floating, and I wouldn't want to look to any other direction or I would get terribly dizzy again. I sighed, knowing that this is now my life is pretty much doubtful.

I kept on staring, a question popped up in my head and I blinked for a few times.

How should I start this... new life?

I was even shocked, never did I ever thought that I would ask myself that type of question. For as much as I know, I am trapped in this room for the rest of my life so what could I even do here? I sighed again, my head started to hurt like it is being sliced since I woke up.

I gathered up my strength to sit up, my back quickly camped as soon as I forced my muscles there. I slammed back down, but this bed was too soft and comfortable to hurt me. (:P) I just licked my lips and turned to my left side, I decided that it is better to lay down here until he comes back than to go around his room and maybe break his stuffs.

From that moment, I started to rewind everything that happened to me, how we met, how I escaped, how I got here and how he caught me again. It's been two weeks ago but it felt like all this shit started to happen a month ago already, and it was really exhausting; I don't even have the might to get out of this bed.

I seemed to forget everything that happened to my life except this shit break that I've been dealing with since the past two weeks. I don't know, I am really confused of myself right now. I don't feel like my right self to think clearly, I don't even want to think.

Am I really that miserable now? My mind is so fucked up that it can't even handle decision making, I feel like a retard. But most of all, I feel like I'm high.

Masky's POV

(Shit's about to start, grab some popcorn guys XD... Oh and note that this part is when Toby took (Y/N) to his room and raped her again. 😂😂😂 did he even rape her? I mean... she fucking enjoyed it though so... I don't know lol)

I finally arrived the area of the thick woods. It is where the portal is located, and I need to get back to the mansion as quick as possible because she's waiting for me.

I just realized that I still didn't know her name. I pushed off the branches and sticks breaks under the pressure of my foot as I step, I managed to pass that thick wall of woods. Then there is a wide space, and at the center of this space is the portal. But normal humans cannot enter it.

I even wondered how I got her inside with me, but I just considered it as a good fortune. The portal is in a form of a door, I twist the knob and pulled it open. I take a step forward and lock the knob back, the forest was foggy again.

It's about to get dark soon, I made my way directly to my room through the window, and yes I climbed to it. As always, I made it inside without a sound because I minded if she was sleeping or not. I noticed that there isn't a body on my bed so she wasn't, but where could she be then?

Maybe in the bathroom...

I straighted my way to the bathroom and quickly opened the door, but to my surprise, she wasn't there either. I got very worried and panicked, I started to walk around in circles in my room and was scared if whether she ran away and enetered into the eternal forest.

I was scared for her, if she gets too deep in that forest then she wouldn't get out of it ever again. When I once tried to explore it, it was a week before the operator took me back to the mansion and I would have still be stuck in there if the operator didn't get me.

But how about (Y/N)!? I don't know what to do, only Slenderman can get her out of there. But Slenderman cannot know her or else He will kill her, and I don't want her to die. How am I gonna do this!?

I got really stressed out, I started gripping on my hair until I just couldn't take it and threw my mask to wherever my hand flew. My hands were actually shaking right now.

I breathed in and slowly let it out to calm myself, then I sat and leaned my back against the wall. Atleast now I'm not shaking anymore, but I still have this big problem.

Why do I even care about her!? She's just a girl, in fact I should've killed her already in the first place. Why did I even take her here? I was actually thinking about my decisions just when it was already done, and I hate myself because I am regreting it right now.

I breathed in once again and let it all out, I've decided. I won't give a care about her anymore, so what if she gets lost in the forest? She should have been long dead now so it was just right for her to run away to the forest.

But something tells me that I've wasted such a good thing, like I've thrown away something very important. I shrugged the thought off, afterall she's nothing to me.

A little moment later, I heard some noise from the other room. Driven by curiosity, I sat up and attached my ear on the wall to identify what sound was that. It was from a girl moaning, creakings and a continuous sound of slapping skin.

I pulled back and put my hand on my chin, confusion is clearly seen on my face. That was strange, Toby brought a girl and had sex here? Well yes he rapes girls and tortures them and stuffs but... the case that he really did bring the girl here was very suspicious.

In anyway, I have no bussiness to do with him. So I should not listen no more and worry about my own problem here. Oh yeah, I just let her go right? Well in that case, my job for today is done.

\(°~\°) Yo! (°/~°)/

The temperature is rising in this room huh? 😂😂😂 Oh my this story is just too hot, I can't handle it I'm melting.

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- Lytone

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