Part 8: Acceptance

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1 day ago

(Y/N)'s POV

Today have been the same. I haven't eaten anything yet, that's why my stomach hurts as much as my head does right now.

I'm standing in front of the window right now and I guessing that it's around 3:00 in the afternoon, I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. I kept this blanket wrapped around me, he actually torn my clothes.

After a few minutes, I decided to take a shower. I slowly walk to the bathroom, noticing each step I take towards it. The silence is pretty deafening but I got used to it, and being naked for w days got very comfortable to me. But it has also been 2 days since I last gave myself a nice and warm bath.

I wonder if he had a tub here, I walk inside and unfortunately he doesn't. Well I guess I'm going for the shower, I have no choice. I left the blanket on the floor outside the bathroom door and I just stared at myself on the mirror, I've had a lot of bruises on my skin but some of them aren't a bit noticeable anymore.

I just sighed, I can't do anything about it. I went in the shower and turned the faucet on, the water was scold at first but after a few seconds it turned warm. It felt very nice, I missed having showers like this. I have no worries, no cares... just cleaning myself out.

I looked around the area and I saw an empty bottle of shampoo, but there was soap and I don't think it's ever been used. It was strange, the brand is still clearly marked on the soap which means it was barely used. But it's unpacked, which leads me to this conclusion that he already used it.

Well mind the fact that he smells really gross when I first saw him, it would be disgusting to use his soap especially because his dirt is still probably on it. But it looks like it's new, ugh... I'm actually getting frustrated right now because of this soap.

Suddenly I thought of his appearance when he caught me from the other room, he was wearing a towel and his hair was wet. That means he just took a shower, which also means that this soap is already used.

Ugh, I am just so idiotic right now. I grabbed the soap and washed myself, I was just too frustrated to think whether should I use it or not so I just did without thinking. I liked its smell, maybe I just didn't smell it when we were having sex because of the tensed heat or because I'm too busy making life decisions.

But right now, it smells like vanilla. I laughed at the thought of Toby, a freaking rapist/kidnapper/abuser, uses a soap that's scent is vanilla... it's just so random.

(My mind is literally random, it is 12:50 in the AM right now)

I finished taking a shower and took the blanket with me straight back to the bed, there was no towel visible there.

(O my... what is happening to my brain, no one knows 😂😂😂)

Here we go again to the flashback...

The sun set down and all I did was rewinding everything that happened to us last time, I played it all back in my head. I really enjoyed that sexy mood in the atmosphere, I was actually craving for more.

Out of a sudden, the door flew open and I quickly sat up and covered my body with the blanket. Ofcoures it was him, I expected it. But I didn't expect him having so much blood on his self, he had a little axe-like weapon in his hands which was also bloody.

Fear was clearly seen in my face, he straighted to the bathroom and closed the door. I can actually feel my hands a bit shaking, I really don't know what to do. I want to talk to him, but I'm afraid he'll hurt me or maybe put a knife straight to my face again. I just waited.

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