Part 9: Acceptance pt.2

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Jejemonism... everywhere!!!

Sorry, just had to say that... 😆😆😆

Toby's POV

I put the plate on the edge of the bed and she noticed it, glanced at me first before she looked back to the waffles again. I think she remembered the time when I forced her to eat a waffle and she spit it... I don't even remember if she spit it on my face or not because of so much experience with other girls. In fairness, she's the first one to survive sex with me 3 times.

She looked back at me again and I just looked at her too, she really look like she felt uncomfortable. I walked to the other side of the bed to go near her and ask her what else she wants, I can't tell if she's confused or scared because of her face when I crouched down to her level.


She flinched when I said that and swallowed, well I guess my voice was kinda too deep tonight; my normal voice right now is like this and when I try to speak in a higher tone, my voice gets cracked.

"Uh, o-ok..."

She was really nervous, I grinned because of her stuttering. I mean I do that too sometimes, but I don't blush like that and I don't look cute. I raised my hand to her cheek and playfully pinched it, she smacks it away and carressed her cheek with her other hand. I let a little laugh out.

I went to the bathroom to leave her for awhile, I grabbed my bloody clothes and entered the washroom which was connected to bathroom. I dumped it inside the washing machine and it on, then I went back to the bathroom and started cleaning my bloody weapons. I got pretty used to the smell.

(No wonder why you don't how much you freaking smell bad 😑😑😑)

(Y/N)'s POV

I crawl to the waffles, they smell nice. But what if there's poison? Ugh, but he told me to eat it so I should do as he said. I tear a small piece and popped it in my mouth, it tastes nice. Damn, that made me instantly starving. I took a waffle and started eating it, I'm just too hungry to be picky right now.

I heard a sound of an engine, like a washing machine so I guess he's washing is bloody clothes right now. It's dark outside now, I can't see anything and the atmosephere here right now is very dull; very boring. I finished the waffles in no time, and it was so satisfying.

A few seconds later I felt thirsty, but I just waited for him to come out. I leaned my back on the head board and just stared at the other side of the wall, it really is too boring here. I stood and my feet, stumbling a little but I managed to balance myself. I silently went towards his closet, and there I found two types of things: clothes and weapons.

For weapons, he have a lot of axes and some are a bit smaller than the others, he also have a butcher knife and some ordinary knives. I've also noticed the knife he had when he ordered me to take a bath, I looked away to throw off the thought about that memory. I went to scan on his clothes.

He had very few, just some sweaters and jeans. Ofcoures there are briefs, he also had 3 white sleeveless shirts. Apparently that's all that he has, I don't know how to react. Should I be sad and feel pity on him or just let him be 'cuz he deserves few clothes, he doesn't even wore a top right now so... what evs...

A few seconds later, the bathroom door flew opened and I was caught in action. He raised his eye brow and walked with speed towards me. He pulled me back to the bed on my arm harshfully and I was actually expecting for a slap, but instead he just bent down to me and gave me a look as if to say 'Stay there'.

I didn't notice that I was biting my lip, I nodded to let him know that I understand. He twitched before he stood back straight again and sat beside me, soon he finally laid down his back on the bed and I just sat there playing with my fingers. After a few minutes, I felt my tummy ache like it was been pierced by a needle or a knife inside. I just rubbed it to ease the pain a little

But it clearly didn't work, I breathed in and out to control calm myself out but a second later it started to hurt even more. I can feel a sour and awful tasting liquid clime up to my throat, I tried to hold it in but I just couldn't.

He noticed me and quickly sat up, he placed his hand on my back and soon it went to my shoulder. "Wh-what's wrong?" He asked, with a slight tone of concern. I couldn't even speak, I stood up and ran to the bathroom. I threw up in the sink, I can barely breath.

There was nothing more to throw up, but I kept choking to push it out; even though there was clearly nothing left. He was right beside me, rubbing my back. I can hear his voice slowly fading and soon all I can hear was like eternal silence, I couldn't see anything anymore.

Toby's POV

"Wh-what -what is i-it?" My hands were shaking as I rub her back while she keeps vomiting. What's happening to her? "A-a-are-are y-you alr-right-t!?" I am shaking hard as fuck right now, she kept on pushing it all out but nothing gone out from her throat. I am so panicked, I couldn't control my moves for a bit and am clearly not in a stable mind to decide what to do.

When she was done, she turned to me and lifelessly fell down in my arms. I catched her and gripped tightly, I was really worried. I kept kissing her neck.


She whispered, she then weakly pulls herself off from me and slowly walks back to the bed while I was still ticking obviously. I walked to her and kneeled while she sat on the side of the bed, I was confused of what she said. "W-what are you t-t-talking about?"

She looks really pale, her eyes looked unhealthy and were barely open. I just stared back waiting for her reply, but she suddenly drop back down to me.

She passed out.


I hope you guys figured out what's gonna happen next... hehhe.

And by the way, WE HIT 4K GUYS! Once again, thank you.

That's all, if you enjoyed this part then please hit that vote and comment what you think might happen next. A follow means very much too. Thanks!

- Lytone

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