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She stands in front of me, cowering in the drizzle that goes hand in hand with early November. Strands of her hair stick to her face, the rain gluing it to her skin. Her glasses are foggy and raindrops litter the glass, but she still looks me in the eye. Her arms are wrapped around her body, trying to preserve as much heat as possible. I feel my heartbeat echo in my ears as I stare at her.

"Simon." She breathes out, almost like she has been holding the word in for so long that it's a relief to finally say it. 

I stare at her broken frame, the scene making me feel something bubble up in my stomach and I notice quite quickly what it is: love. 

I step forward, the rain now hitting my skin but I don't react to the cold sensation as I wrap my arms desperately around her fragile body. She instantly copies my actions and I feel as she nuzzles her head in my chest and I place my chin on her head, the feeling of her body against mine suddenly reigniting something inside me. 

She sits across from me, in my hoodie and joggers. Her hair is tied back in a wet, messy bun and her face is slightly red from the contrast between the cold outside and the heat inside. 

"What made you come back?" I ask, breaking the silence. 

She shrugs, avoiding eye contact, "my home wasn't my home anymore, I guess."

"What does that mean?" I question.

"It didn't feel right for me anymore." She replies.

"Did you not enjoy it?" I ask, as she fiddles uncomfortably with her fingers.

"I don't know, I liked the job and the place and the people but-just, some stuff didn't work out." She mumbles and that's when I notice it.

I stare at her fingers, as they messily intertwine with each other in a fumble of fear and awkwardness. How could I not notice it: a sparkling ring sits on her engagement finger. It's not a Violet-kind of ring, though, that's obvious to me.

She catches my eye and follows my gaze and sighs.

"His name is Adam." 

"Oh." I mumble.

"We aren't together anymore." She announces and I look up to see tears swimming in her misty eyes.

"Sorry." I awkwardly reply.

She chuckles, "no you're not."

I nod, "no, you're right, I'm not." 

Her smile falters, "he cheated on me."

"He what?" I say, my blood suddenly turning ice cold at the sheer thought. 

"Remember Sophie?" She asks, I nod and she continues, "with her, I found them-I-I-I kinda expected it."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because Adam and I were just-just together for the hell of being together, I mean, he asked me to marry him, it was never something that was gonna last forever." She smiles, thoughtfully.

"I'm sorry Vi." I reply sadly and she nods.

"I missed you." She whispers.

"I missed you too." I whisper back.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you, that wasn't something someone who loves you does." She sighs, a stray tear rolling down her cheek, I reach my index finger up and catch it just in time before it falls from her ivory skin.

"Don't be sorry for living your life Violet, I'd hate myself if I stopped you from doing something you love." I whisper, her face inches from mine as I shuffle forward.

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