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"Guys-no-that goes over there-no-there-" I shout at Ethan and a confused looking Harry.

"You're pointing there, but you want it here?" Ethan points one way then the other, his arms crossing over.

"No, I'm pointing here." I point to where I was originally pointing and they sigh, putting it down.

"She's scary when she's mad." Harry mumbles to a nodding Ethan.

"I heard that." I narrow my eyes at them and they disperse, making me laugh.

"Hey, you okay?" JJ asks.

"Yeah, I'm good-why?" I ask back, as I pick up a box and move it in to the kitchen.

"You just look really pale." JJ shrugs.

"I'm always pale." I chuckle.

"True, true." He laughs.

"Guys, you can go y'know, I appreciate your help getting everything up here but I just wanna unpack everything myself." I say to the guys, who congregate in the kitchen.

"You sure?" Josh asks.

"Positive, I'll buy you guys some pizza to say thank you." I chuckle, as they begin to walk towards the door.

"Oh, you know I'm gonna hold you to that now." Ethan laughs, winking.

"If you need help, me and Freezy are just upstairs." Harry smiles, before closing the door.

A sudden silence sweeps over the flat and I feel a shiver run down my spine. I walk towards a box marked 'clothes' and open it, finding one of my hoodies and slipping it over my head. I walk towards my bedroom and begin un-boxing my bedding and more, trying to make my room as comfy as possible. I hum along to my playlist on my phone when it suddenly stops and begins to ring, I walk towards my phone and see Simon's caller ID. I pick up.

"Hey." I answer.

"How's the move going?" He asks.

"Not too bad, finish your editing?" I ask, hopeful for him to come over.

"Nah, I've still got another two hours to go through, I'll come over tomorrow and help you though babe." He sighs and I can tell he's tired.

"It's okay Si, I'll let you finish I'm gonna go to bed soon anyways." I yawn.

He chuckles, "okay, I love you-and I miss you already."

"I love you too." I reply.

I am awoken by a weird feeling. I look over to my phone and see it's half three in the morning. I go to move over but feel a wet substance covering my upper thighs.

"What the fu-" I mumble but a pain suddenly takes over my body.

My stomach feels like it's being rumbled though and nothing feels like it's in the right place as I moan and try to sit up. I turn my bedside lamp on and pull back my duvet to discover a thick coating of blood covering my bed sheet.

"Fuck." I groan, my arms instinctively wrapping around my stomach as another feeling of pain hits my body.

I reach over for my phone but find my finger hovering over Simon's name. I scroll back up to find a different number and call that.

"Hello?" A groggy voice replies.

"Harry?" I whisper, scared of the situation.

"Violet? What are you-why are you calling me?" He groans.

"I need you to help me." I mumble and bite my lip, the pain gnawing at my stomach lining like nothing I've ever felt before.

He suddenly becomes more alert, "Violet-what's wrong? Are you okay?"

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