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Hello as of today I will be posting every weekend because if I post to often I'll run dry, so please be patient with me.



Riley woke up bright and early consumed by the thoughts of last night. Her goal for today was to buy all of her Christmas gifts, she already had Zay and Smackle's, she had gotten Zay some nutcracker tickets, and Smackle a new decorated lab coat because she had accidentally spilled Acid on her other one. She had decided not to get Lucas a gift considering he won't be in town visiting his family in Texas, taking Charlie home to meet the family. All she had left were Farkle and Maya.

She already knew what she was getting Maya seeing as she asked Riley to specifically get her some new frames and nails, and her parents were easy, but Farkle she still had no clue.

Riley had about a hundred dollars to spare that she had saved from her birthday, she walked around the shopping district that is New York City, she had passed a boutique that was spaced themed making her stop in her tracks as soon as she saw Pluto. She looked over the sign before walking in. She looked around being greatest by stars and planets she walked around and looked through all the items. She approached a necklace rack with a planet pedant. She saw a Pluto, but decided that this was a time of giving, so she looked around the rack looking for a mars. She found one with a leather bound and picked it up.

"Late Christmas shopping?" A lady asked making her look up. Riley smiled and nodded at the young lady,

"Yeah my best friend loves this stuff" Riley stated as she fiddled with the necklace. The lady smiled at her,

"You know a young boy about your age came in here and said the same thing" the lady confessed, Riley looked down at her name tag read, Southern. What an odd name if your living up north. "Except he got the Pluto necklace"

Riley let out a small "huh".

Riley laid the necklace down neatly on the counter. Southern rang her up, "will that be all?" She asked,

Riley gave a slight nod, "yes but don't doubt I'll come back" she kidded before walking out of the door with a small bag containing the mars necklace. She walked down the street in the direction back to her apartment.

She walked through the front door setting all of her bags down on the couch seeing her parents setting the table for dinner. She smiled at how happy they looked. Riley was happy that her parents were, but something felt wrong. It felt like she was a mistake, and not being born could have gotten her parents happier faster, gotten them farther a lot faster.

She shook the thought of and placed it in the back of her mind. It's not a time to think about yourself Riley when Christmas is almost upon us, she scolded herself.

"What's wrong Riley?" Her mother asked her. Riley smiled replacing the frown apparently on her face. She shook her head, "nothing just got back from Christmas shopping"

"Get everything you needed?" Cory asked placing the last plate down. Riley nodded once more,

"Yeah um I'll be in my room." She said picking up the bags before walking away to her room. She closed the door behind her and slid down the back of it letting go of the bags. She looked up at the ceiling feeling her soul start leaving. She felt selfish for thinking bout herself. Life is about helping others and not yourself.

Riley let out a sigh, her mother was pregnant with her third child, and all she could think about was that she was a mistake. Selfish. She was selfish.


I hope y'all guys like where I'm taking this story. If you guys have any questions about the story just ask and I'd be more than willing to answer them

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