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This is just a filler chapter before the main chaos so get ready.


She had spent the rest of that week sending out invites, preparing the roof and living room for her New Years party. It's almost like a month had passed between now and Christmas. She wouldn't say she missed that day, but she would say she missed the Farkle of it all. He still came over almost every day but now as New Years reigned on, he became more distant, probably because of School starting back up or something.

She sat at the bay window waiting for someone to climb through. Maya, Farkle anyone. She wanted to talk to someone even if that someone was only here for they're problems not hers. She got up and sorted through her jewelry box organizing her rings in one pile and necklaces in another.

She jumped, startled by the loud noise of someone crawling through her window oh not so swiftly. She turned to see who the culprit was. Zay.

She walked over and sat next to him, "hello Zay" she smiled. She scanned his face which seemed to be staring down at the floor in blankness. Riley placed a hand on his shoulder and asked, "is everything alright?"

"No." he said abruptly, "my grandmother...she's dead"

A tiny tear ran down his face, "oh Zay come here" she said wrapping her arms around him which he embraced gratefully. He cried into her shoulder. She kept think about how if her grandparents died she'd also die a little on the inside. She pulled away from the hug and wiped Zays tears away,

"Now zay give me your grandmothers cookie recipe, and I'll bake you some cookies" she suggested, "I know I won't be able to make 'em like she does but I can definitely try"

Zay nodded, and sat up straighter, "I've stormed you with my problems, so what's going on with you, sugar?" He asked, Riley looked away and twiddled with her necklace. "Isn't that how it works, I bless you with my problems and you bless me with yours?"

Riley shook her head, "no not usually, not unless it's Farkle, because he's Farkle"

She bit her lip, and scolded her self for even mentioning Farkle.

"That's a shame" Zay said not noticing her expression, "so give me all the juicy gossip Zay boy loves me some Riley story"

Riley smiled, seeing him looking more alive then he was when he climbed through her window.

"Zay you can't tell anyone, if I tell you"

Zay nodded and crossed his heart, "I promise sugar"

"I'm in love with someone and it's taking all my momentum not to grab his face and kiss him" she said as she talked with her hands.

"I know how you feel" Zay sighed, "look the best advice I can give you is to not hold back, take a chance while you still have it, if you still have it."

"I think I do, thank you Zay for the advice" Riley smiled sadly and stood up, "Zay I won't tell you I'm sorry for your loss because it's not my fault, but what I will tell you if that she was wonderful and I'm sad that she's gone"

"Thank you Riley for being a great comfort" Zay said standing up.

"Anytime Zay, my windows always open" she smiled, and they hugged one last time before Zay crawled back out the window. She sighed slowly and fell back on to her bed. Riley stared at the ceiling contemplating on what she should do. Although she was planning on telling him New Years, how would she? She's terrible at confessing how she feels for Farkle, and what if he doesn't want her back?

"I don't want to lose him" she said softly, speaking to herself. If she lost Farkle to her feelings it would feel horrible. Being alone was like her fatal flaw. She couldn't stand being alone in her thoughts, they consumed her, but she did it anyways. Riley looked around her room contemplating how much she hated loneliness, but she didn't want to call Farkle, for the second time. Every day felt repetitive, it made her feel closed in on an ever going cycle. And she just needed to break it.

Riley got up and climbed out the window. The stair case of course led to the roof and that's were she intended to go. When she got there the sun was setting. "I guess the days really do pass fast"

She sat on one of the benches and watched the burning star go to the other side of the earth. New Year's Eve is coming in two days, and all she wanted was to pause.


I really wish I could pause right now, I mean I'm not looking forward to this next week. Elections are coming to a close and I'm like majorly scared 😳.

Who would you vote for? Hillary. I don't want no Orange rapist who wants to build a wall running my country.

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